Christmas Special

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It was Christmas in the Winchester-Ramirez household, and like most things to do with the family, it was chaos. The children were running around the house with elf ears attached to their heads with the exception of Alma, who had donned a pair of feathery angel wings that were shedding all over the place.

The doorbell rang and Dean went to answer it, Sam, Anna and their son and daughter stood there wrapped up in scarfs and coats. Alma came sliding down the bannister shouting merry Christmas to her family.
"I see everything is under control here as usual." Sam chuckled.

"Ha ha. Come in guys, merry Christmas." Dean hugged his niece and fist bumped his nephew and grinned at his brother and sister in law. Cora and Isaac were quick to shed their outerwear and join their cousins in the holiday antics, Bacon the dog came running and began jumping up and begging for their attention.

The adults went into the kitchen were Maria was cooking up a storm. She was wearing an apron the read 'kiss the cook'.
"A present from Dean?" Sam snorted, pointing at the garment. She grinned and hugged Sam and Anna.
"Merry Christmas, want a drink?" And before they could respond, glasses of wine had been shoved into their hands.

"You guys drink wine now?" Anna said incredulously. Dean and Maria took one look at each other and burst out laughing.
"No, that's for the guests." Dean explained, picking up his beer from the side and clinking it against the one has wife now had in hand.
"Dean why don't you get the sweaters and Sam's special accessory." Maria winked at Dean and he sniggered, leaving the room.

Sam glanced at Anna, confused. He felt he should be worried. When his brother returned, he was holding three horribly cliché Christmas sweaters and a headband with reindeer antlers attacked to them.
"Sam, the antlers are for you." He put them on his head.
"Gee thanks." He groaned, Anna took a picture and laughed at it for a good five minutes.

They were really in the swing of things now that they were wearing the woolly sweaters that were decorated with various Christmas paraphernalia, Santas, penguins, presents, trees, candy canes, snow flakes and the like. Anna had brought over some handmade decorations for their tree and the house and was hanging sparkly snowflakes around with Alma's help.

At around two, Bobby showed up dressed as Santa, which of course the kids went crazy for. Cora and Valentino weren't so impressed being the oldest, which of course made them far too cool for festivities but we're still happy to gorge themselves on chocolate and candy canes.

Everyone in the house gathered in the kitchen at the giant table to eat, with Anna's help, Maria served up the food she'd been cooking since 10 in the morning. Dean kissed his wife gratefully and the children collectively gagged.
"Her apron says to kiss the cook! I'm just followin' orders!" He protested.

"Then why are you the only one allowed to follow the instructions on the apron, dad?" Valentino cleverly challenged.
"Yeah dad." Sam imitated, the table waited for his answer.
"Alma, go get daddy a marker." At her father's order, the four year old jumped down from her chair and ran to get one.

She returned within a minute with a black marker pen and handed it to Dean, who bent down and began writing something on Maria's apron. He stood back to admire his handy work and it now read;
'Dean kiss the cook (no one else)'
"If there was any confusion about who's allowed to kiss the cook, I hope that made it clear." He smirked, picking up his knife and fork. "Now cook, can we start eating this feast?" A cheer filled the room when Maria nodded and sat down.

After the monstrous dinner, the youngsters were significantly more relaxed and were lounging around in the living room playing games. Dean took it as an opportunity to annoy Maria with inappropriate pranks. He took down the pieces of mistletoe Anna had hung around the house and put them all in the dining room dragged her to all of them repeating the same line.
"Oh look! Mistletoe! Guess we gotta kiss."

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