The Beach

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The Winchester-Ramirez family of seven were speeding along the highway in a people carrier. They were on their way to the beach and the long drive had made the children fidgety. The ten year old eldest, Valentino, was arguing with his brother Santiago who was eight about whether Xerneas was better than Yveltal. The five year old twins Ignacio and Manuel were teasing their two year old sister Alma with her stuffed dog while Dean and Maria argued about the directions in the front.

For some reason they'd volunteered to lead the way and following them was Sam and Anna with their daughter Cora and son Isaac. They were determined to get it right or they'd never hear the end of it from Sam who'd always done the map reading in their hunting days. They'd been driving for 2 hours and the kids were getting restless and arguments started.
"Santiago you ripped the card!" Yelled Valentino.
"You have like three of that same one!" He protested.

"Boys stop arguing over pieces of paper with animals on them." Dean called out to the back.
"They're pokemon!" The boys and Maria corrected. Dean rolled his eyes, he didn't understand his wife and sons' obsession with the strange creatures.
"Does anyone want some cheetos?" Maria asked and there was a loud chorus of 'ME!' around the car and the bag was passed around. The one thing that brought peace in the Winchester-Ramirez family was food.

When the group finally arrived at the beach the difference between the two families was evident. Dean and Maria's children immediately leapt out of the car with the German Shepherd named Bacon and began running riot. Sam and Anna's children waited patiently to have suncream applied.

Sam walked over to his brother who was far too occupied by Maria who'd taken her shirt off.
"Your kids are gonna fry man." He said. Before Dean could reply Maria did.
"No they won't, they've got Hispanic skin." She informed him.
"Skin cancer is a thing." He countered. Maria rolled her eyes and shouted for her army to assemble and made quick work of putting sun screen on them, muttering about how she never wore it when she was a kid.

Once each was done they ran like maniacs towards the water. Maria unstrapped Alma from her car seat and rest her on her hip. She wriggled around reaching her arms out for Dean, who beamed.
"She's such a daddy's girl." Maria sighed, handing her over.
"Daddy's girl." She repeated, clapping her hands.
"Damn straight!" Dean high fived the little girl and walked across the sand with a blanket and a sun umbrella slung over his shoulder.

Anna came over to help Maria with the cooler boxes, but her version of helping was handing them to Sam to carry. Laying down more blankets on the sand, they set up for a day at the beach. It was 1 in the afternoon and the sun was beating down, the seven children were all splashing around in the sea and Sam went to join them. They immediately mobbed him and dragged him under the water, it was highly amusing to watch. Of course, Dean rushed to join in with a squealing toddler.

After a sufficient amount of sunbathing and talking about subjects ranging from their children, dumb things their husbands had done that week, useful taekwondo moves and how to catch a rogue pig, Anna and Maria finally decided to go in the water. Anna grabbed her inflatable doughnut and put it over her head and waded into the water, Maria in tow. When they reached the group, Sam had to hold the rope tied to it as she was too short to stand, which he thoroughly enjoyed.

Being the mature couple they were, the minute Maria reached Dean he began sending tidal waves towards her, drenching the upper half of her body, hair included. It was safe to say she was not happy. Santiago grabbed a ball and they played a large game of piggy in the middle. It was useless when Sam was in the middle as he was so tall he could easily intercept the children's futile throws and Dean simply cheated and attacked whoever had the ball with tickles.

When they were significantly worn out and hungry from all the water activities, they slumped down on the blankets wrapped in towels and Dean started the barbecue. Soon, the mouth watering scent of chicken wings and burgers, courtesy of Maria, began wafting towards them and stomachs really started to rumble.

"Mama, when is the food gonna be ready?" Manuel whined.
"Yeah, or I'm gonna eat Manny." Ignacio sniggered and his twin shot him a challenging look.
"I'd like to see you try."
"I'll eat both of you if you don't stop making noise." Their mother snapped, waving her tongs menacingly and the twins quickly shut up. Valentino, who was miraculously sensible for a Winchester-Ramirez child, started up a game of Uno to distract the hungry children.

Unfortunately, the four boys were very competitive and an argument soon broke out about whether or not Santiago said 'uno' fast enough. Luckily for everyone in earshot, Maria began handing out paper plates of food and the fight was quickly forgotten. Sam glanced around to see where Isaac was to ask what she wanted to eat when he realised he was missing. He freaked out.

"Isaac's gone!" He yelled and everyone stopped talking.
"Chill out, Sammy. He's probably looking at crabs over by the rocks." Anna reassured him, but the man immediately took off towards the rock pools to find his inquisitive son. Five minutes later he came loping back with the grinning nine year old who had a enormous crab in his hands.

"I found this!" Food quickly lost its appeal as the children crowded around Isaac to stare at his find.
"Isaac put that thing in a bucket and come eat something." Maria said, handing him one of the multicoloured buckets for the crab. The creature didn't give him much of a choice as it pinched his finger and the boy shrieked and dropped it in the container. Everyone laughed raucously at his shock apart from Sam who began frantically searching for a first aid kit despite there being virtually no damage done.

After stuffing his face with his wife's cooking, Dean lay on the sand, stuffed. Once the kids noticed he'd nodded off, they got to work with burying him. They shaped the sand on top of him into a mermaid's tail and Cora helped Alma find two shells to put on his chest.

Maria called them over for dessert and at the word pudding, Dean woke up abruptly. Looking down at his new body he smirked.
"Not as big as Maria's but they'll do." He chuckled, earning him a slap on the forehead from her. Anna suggested that his family gather around him for a picture to which they gladly obliged. Just as she was about to capture the image, Alma's curiosity got the best of her and she tottered towards the camera making a wild grab for it. It was just as well speed wasn't on her side.

The children were soon back in the water and Anna sat on the sand making sand castles with her twin nephews.
"We can make a better one than you auntie Anna." Ignacio challenged.
"I bet you can't." She countered, Sam raised an eyebrow at her competitiveness against the kids.
"Let's have a competition!" Manuel suggested.
"Uncle Sam can be the judge." She added.

Maria and Dean wandered over in matching t-shirts that read 'I'm with Mr. Stupid' And 'I'm with Mrs. Stupid', intrigued by the battle of sandcastle building skills. Cora piped up out of nowhere.
"But it's not fair if dads the judge." Sam, Dean and Maria cracked up.
"She's right." Maria snorted.
"I'll be the judge." She suggested. "I'm impartial."
"Christ on a bike, what do you teach her?" Said Dean.

Moments later, the sandcastle building competition was underway and tensions were running high. Maria and Dean cheered on their sons and Sam his wife, while the 'impartial judge' looked on. It was an intense battle and soon the structures were becoming impressively tall with features such as doors, windows and shell decorations. When the competitors had finally decided they were finished, Cora did a very in depth review of each castle.

"Iggy and Manny's castle is slightly taller which gives it points for impressiveness and the moat is a very nice feature. Good job guys." They shook hands with their cousin.
"But there's two of them! That's cheating!" Anna exclaimed.
"Honey, they're five." Sam reminded her.
"But although auntie Anna's is shorter, hers has more detail, her windows are better and the shell pattern is really nice." Cora continued.

"Make me the winner or you're grounded." Anna said, folding her arms.
"Dad won't let you do that." Cora said calmly. "I think it's gonna have to be a draw." She decided. The boys began sulking that they hadn't won but Maria stepped in before it could become sour.
"Ice-cream?" She called out to everyone.
"Smart move." Dean grinned kissing his wife on the cheek.

The sun was setting as the eleven of them walked along the beach, each with an ice cream. It had been a highly successful day at the beach.

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