Due Date

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"Drive faster!"
"Do you really want us to get another speeding ticket, Maria?!" Dean yelled back at his frantic wife.
"Anna is giving birth here and you're worrying about a ticket?" She argued.
"The baby is gonna be there no matter what time we get there, Maria!"

Dean was not in a good mood. He and Maria had been enjoying some 'alone time' when Sam had called them saying Anna had gone into labour. He'd planned on continuing as if nothing happened but Maria had heard and was already getting dressed before he could even hang up. She was now screeching like a mad woman under the illusion it was going to get them there faster.

The minute they parked in the hospital lot she'd jumped out of the car and was running towards the building. Dean groaned and jogged after her. When he got inside Maria was already at the front desk babbling loudly to the frightened receptionist, who said something then Maria took off again. He said thanks to the receptionist and hurried after her. Finding Anna's room had been relatively easy, seeing as Sam pacing back and forth outside of it was difficult to miss. He looked relieved at the sight of them.

"Thank God you're here, this is way out of my depth." He ran a hand through his hair, evidently stressed. They entered the room. Sam went over to Anna and held her hand, wincing at the force with which she was gripping back with.

For the first time in her entire life, Maria had no idea what to do. Anna was giving birth, she, Sam and Dean were in the delivery room and the only word to describe the scene was chaos. Sam was asking Anna a question a second while she yelled in pain. Dean wouldn't stop telling terrible jokes and the doctor looked as if he'd never seen a family like this.

"Keep going Anna you're so close!" The nurse encouraged.
"Oh my God." Sam paled. "Can you see it?" He asked.
"Yep the head is making an appearance."
"Jesus Christ." Dean muttered. "Well on the bright side this should be super easy for Maria, she's Hispanic." She shoved her husband hard and the nurse shot him a disapproving glare.

Anna let out a horrifying wail.
"Hello!" The doctor smiled lifting a little baby up, it began crying immediately. Dean dropped to floor unconscious.
"Thank God." Maria sighed, stepping over his body, not phased in the slightest. The nurse moved to help Dean but Maria waved a hand, "He'll be up in a minute don't waste your time." The nurse began helping the doctor with washing and weighing the newborn.
"It's a girl." He told them.

Sam had tears rolling down his cheeks and Anna looked ready to go to sleep. The doctor wrapped up the baby and handed it to her, she was very cute despite just being born. She had a head of black hair and a small nose. The two looked incredibly happy, as if they were in their own bubble with the three of them in it. She jumped as Dean put an arm around her, he'd woken up apparently.

"Don't worry, it'll be our turn soon." He whispered, tightening his grip on her. Although he was one of the most emotionally dense people she'd ever met, Dean always knew what she was feeling when it was most important.


Sam was going to get back problems if this continued. He was doubled over with his hands either side of his daughter who was becoming worryingly good at crawling. She gurgled in delight when she looked up to see her dad staring down at her, she reached a chubby hand up to touch the strands of hair that were hanging down. He'd taken to wearing a headband to keep it out of his face, much to Dean's amusement.
"Hey, Cora." He picked her up carefully and smiled when she began laughing.

He and Anna had been incredibly careful when it came to Cora. After a mildly disturbing recount of Maria's very health and safety free childhood in Mexico, baby gates had been installed almost everywhere in the house which Dean had been happy to help with if it meant an excuse to get his tool-belt out. He carried his daughter into the kitchen where Maria and Anna were. His sister in law was leaning against the kitchen island, with a plate of Anna's red velvet cake while Anna sat on a high stool chatting with her.

It had been around 2 months since Maria had been moaning about none of her jeans fitting and Dean making jokes about eating less when in actual fact she'd been pregnant for 3 months without knowing. She was currently using it as an excuse to eat as much as humanly possible.
"I'm eating for two now." She said in a matter-of-factly voice as she helped herself to another slice of cake.
"You realise it doesn't work like that." Anna informed her. Maria had simply rolled her eyes and dismissed her by lazily waving her fork.

"Where's Dean?" He asked.
"Buying materials for a crib, he wants to build it himself." She replied with a mouthful of cake.
"Can he even do that?" Sam snorted, Maria smiled knowingly.
"That's what I said, we'll see I suppose." She finished off the final bite and made grabby hands for Cora. "Lemme hold her." She whined, Sam handed the baby over who mirrored her God-mother's actions.

"Should I be worried about how happy she is to leave me for you?" Sam chuckled. Maria made an affronted face.
"No. I'm amazing. It's to be expected that babies love me more than their parents." Anna and Sam sighed, exasperatedly at their friend's self-centred sense of humour.
"Did you find it hard to stop loving yourself enough to love Dean too?" Anna joked and they all burst out laughing, which Cora innocently joined in with, clapping her tiny hands together.

"Obviously not, I'm adorable." They all turned to see Dean in the kitchen doorway, grinning. He went to say hi to Cora, who at the sight of him, burst out crying. "Well damn, I see how it is." He frowned, taking a step back from the wailing baby as if she were a dangerous bomb. Anna stood to take their child, who calmed down in her mother's arms.
"She's probably just hungry." She reasoned.
"Or Dean's just really ugly." Sam sniggered.
"When I get my German shepherd I'm gonna train it to bite you." Dean countered.
"Now now boys, play nice." Maria chortled at their immature behaviour.

"Maria, I wanna go home, Sammy's being mean." Dean whined mockingly.
"Lets go, I'm craving burritos anyway."
"Pregnant you is like five times better than not-pregnant you." Dean grabbed his wife's hand and waved at Sam and Anna. "I'll warn you when I get that dog, Sammy boy!" He called as they left.

"How is he older than me." Sam sighed as he sat down on the stool.
"Don't flatter yourself, you're both as bad as each other sometimes." Anna muttered with a grin on her face.

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