Chapter One

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"Five hundred and forty seven years ago was the last time the supernatural world, our world, had a High King." My history teacher, Mr. Garric, continued with the lesson. "And as the legend states only one from the loyal lineage can be a High King. A lineage, as we all know that died with High King Heathrow.

"Now the supernatural sides are at war. With no one to unite them, they stand alone, unable to bow before another race. For the werewolves, as you well know, we are ruled by the four families since our own werewolf King has not been seen or heard of for over two hundred years. The four strongest Alpha's. Blackwater Alpha Stevens, Barach Alpha Xavier, Moonstone Alpha Frederick, and of course Valdara Alpha Daniels. They are the oldest and strongest of us which gives reason as to why they rule."

Mr. Garric continued with the lesson while I had long since became distracted as I stared out of the classroom window at the schools entrance as I watch the leaves of the trees sway with the breeze. It was so mesmerizing I had lost track with how long I had been staring.

"Alex McCarthy." Mr. Garric yelled as he stopped his lesson to stare at me. "Is there any specific reason as to why you are not paying attention to the lesson?" He pushed his large round glasses further up his nose with this right hand which I kept thinking that he thought it distracted from the bright orange curly hair that sat atop his head.

"No Sir." I quickly apologized knowing full well the consequences that my actions will bring me when I got home. "I'm sorry." I slouched in my seat hoping that Mr. Garric as well as the rest of the class would soon forget as to what had just transpired. I had hoped to keep a low profile in school but now that was never going to happen. Even dressing in dull grey long sleeves shirts and dark black jeans seemed to make me stand out more instead of blending into the background.

Mr. Garric sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose pushing his glasses further up. Fixing his glasses afterwards he began, "Why can't you be more like your brothers? Beta Henry and Gamma Tate? They were model students and smart ones too. And then there's you, but you are only fourteen and still have four more years to get your act together." He turned his attention to the rest of the class and continued with his lesson.

That was the moment I knew my day and most probably any sort of future was over. As soon as he mentioned my brothers I knew they would find out sooner or later which meant so will my parents. My life may have just gotten worse, if that was even possible.

For some reason that I was not aware of my entire pack had hated my presence there. And I don't say 'hate' as an over exaggeration. They really hated me. My brothers thought I was a waste of space and a dark blemish to the name of McCarthy. My father hated me even more as he verbally told me every chance he would get. My mother on the other hand had adopted a different strategy. She just pretended I didn't exist.

The beatings I received from the pack and from my own family started shortly after my six birthday. By no means was that the day they started hating me, no, that was just the day they decided to start taking out the frustrations on the lowly omega of the pack.

Omegas of the werewolf world were like household staff as they were the ones to cook to the meals, clean the pack houses and other dwellings, and ensure the maintenance was done on the gardens surrounding the houses. I was not afforded that chance. I had no privileges other than shelter and access to the pack house fridge. I had to prepare my own food as I was not allowed to join the pack during any meal times. My life was truly my own little hell.

My only source of comfort was reading different fictional stories online. Mostly werewolf stories due to my actual state as a werewolf. I would read about how werewolves find their true mates and how happy and fulfilled their lives would become. Even some stories about how they would find second chance mates and once more find happiness. That is what I had hoped for. The chance to have someone who loved me unconditionally. Someone who could make my life have meaning.

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