Chapter Nine

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Meredith's POV


"Why isn't he waking up?" I shouted at the multiple doctors in the pack medical center. "It's been four days! Why isn't he waking up?" I shouted once more as the doctors slowly backed away from me. They sensed my anger and were instantly afraid.

"Meredith. Please. Calm down." Aramean said in a soft tone as he placed his right hand on my left shoulder. "Be by his side. It is what he needs."

I slowly made her way to Alex's side and sat in the small metal stool next to the bed. I grabbed his hand as I looked over the wounds that still covered his body. He wasn't healing. Why wasn't he healing? He is the High King. He is supposed to be healing from this.

"Ara." I used my nickname for the Vampire King which he didn't seem to mind. "Why aren't his wounds healing? They're supposed to right?" A single tear fell from my right eye.

"I'm not sure." He said with uncertainty. "It's possible that because the wounds came from his brother, another spawn of the Moon Goddess, that they won't heal at the normal rate for him. It is a possibility but I really do not know."

"He needs to wake up. I need him." I said as the tears fell from my eyes in constant streams.

"We all do." He said as he turned and walked out of the room.

I need him to be safe. I need him back. To be honest, we have only actually known each other for such a short period of time but I already miss him. I need him by my side. Why won't he wake up? Why would his own brother do this to him? Does claiming the High King position mean that much to him? I cried as I watched Alex's face and that was when I noticed it.

Small cuts slowly began appearing on his face as if someone was slowly dragging claws across him. But blood did not poor out. How is this possible? I looked further down his body and when I noticed a cut near the bottom of his neck open I pulled off his hospital gown exposing his chest. I didn't even have time to gaze at the wondrous body in front of me as it was now covered in small cuts and gashes.

"Aramean!" I shouted just before the four Kings came bursting into the room. They stopped just short of the bed and each of them had a shocked look on their faces. Their eyes trailing over Alex's body unsure of what to make of this.

"What the-" Godric started but trailed off. He just stood staring at the carved body of his King.

"Aramean. What is happening?" I shouted towards him.

"I don't know. Nothing like this has ever happened before." Aramean said in a soft voice. He walked forward and with his right hand trailed over some of the cuts being sliced into his King's chest. "This shouldn't be possible."

"It is my husband's doing." Came a familiar voice behind us. I turned and instantly I became speechless. There stood the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her white long hair hung over her shoulders only barely displaying the golden jewelry beneath. I know her voice. I heard it before.

"Rebekah." I said with a sharp intake of breath. What is the Moon Goddess doing here? And why is her husband doing this?

"Hello Meredith. It is good to see you again." She smiled to me and then nodded in the direction of the four King's. They stood there speechless and wide eyed. Aramean on the other hand had a small smile on his face.

"Rebekah." He bowed showing his respect for her. Wait, he knew her. How did he know her? "How is Hereana doing? I have not heard from her in quite a while. I worry." He said as he looked up at the Moon Goddess. Who is Hereana?

"She is doing just fine. And you know quite well why she is avoiding you. It is your punishment." The Moon Goddess said with a smile. This is getting interesting.

"I was afraid of that." Aramean said with a chuckle.

"Moon Goddess." I said bringing her attention back to me. "What did you mean that this is your husband's doing? If he is your husband then why is he doing this? Why is he hurting Alex?" I was on the verge of crying once more.

"It is his way of knowing if his offspring is strong enough to survive against all that is thrown at him. It is to test him for his destiny."

"What do you mean his offspring?" I asked in surprise. Did she just say what I think she did? "Are you saying Alex is your husband's son? Your son?"

"Yes he is." I gasped audibly at the mention of this. Alex was the son of the Moon Goddess herself. How is this possible? There has never been something like this before.

"He was supposed to tell you but under the circumstances I think we can let this slide." She said as her gaze fell upon her son. She looked sad but she still stood near the back, not coming any closer.

"We haven't had much time to speak. Your other son saw to that." I told her while turning back to Alex. I stroked his left arm slowly.

"He doesn't understand that some things you cannot take by force. What is destined will be. There is no changing that. I apologize for what he put you through." She seemed to really show remorse. Maybe she was sorry.

"How long until he wakes up? It has to be soon right?" I asked her almost to the point of begging.

"It is not for me to say. But I can explain to you just what he is going through." She said and with a nod of my head she continued. "He is reliving the past pain he has suffered. All the injuries he has suffered are resurfacing."

"But when he fought he never got hurt. Maybe one or two scratches but never to this extent." Luther said quickly but when he realized what he said he shut up and turned away from me.

"What do you mean 'when he fought'?" I stood up quickly and shouted towards him. "What happened when he was away? What did he have to do?"

"It is not our place to tell. It is his." Godric replied but he too turned away.

"Rebekah?" I asked her hoping she would reply instead of the King's.

"He will not like me telling you this but it is needed." She began, she walked forward and stood by the foot of Alex's bed. "About half a day when he left the pack he was drugged and taken. It was a group of Anathema vampires who went against the code and set up fighting events.

"He was their best fighter. The only reason he isn't a complete monster with no emotion was because he met you before he was taken. While there he has killed over on thousand and three hundred other supernatural's. It has taken quite a toll on him.

"He may never tell you of this as he doesn't want you to worry and by no means do either of you King's or you Meredith tell his sister about this. She can be quite protective of him at times. She already hates herself for losing track of him for those years. I specifically mean you Aramean."

"He went through that?" I asked as I turned towards him, tears now streaming down my face once more. How could he still be my Alex after all that. I love him even more for this. "And more to Luther's comment. He said he wasn't injured this much during the fights. How did he get these injuries?"

"That I cannot tell you. It is his truth, not mine." Rebekah said just before someone burst into the room. It was a petite girl with shoulder length straight blonde hair that reminded me of Meg Ryan. Her crystal blue eyes reminding me of Alex's. She was wearing white jeans and a sky blue blouse.

"Where is he?" She shouted before her eyes fell on Alex and a single tear escaped her left eye.

"Hereana."Aramean let out a little shocked staring at her eyes.

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