Fusion Collusion

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"Hello, Kevin!" A friendly voice called out to Kevin as he was about to walk about the underground of the SORT building. Kevin looked over to his left and through a walkway he saw a hooded figure on a boat. Kevin grinned widely.

"Hey, Rivera, how's it hangin'?" He said sitting on the edge of the sand dock. Rivera had taken a great liking to Kevin over time.

"Oh, I'm ok. I just need to get myself together." She said clinching her fists under her cloak.

"What's wrong, Rivvy?" Kevin asked with concern spread on his face. Kevin concluded that he was seemingly a very trustworthy person. Just yesterday, Phill devulged a very odd secret to him.

"Hey, Kevin can I tell ya somethin'?" Phill leaned in to Kevin as he was trying to nap.

"Yeah, whats up Phill?" Kevin responded peeking at him with one eye.

"Heheh..." Phill spent 25 seconds giggling to himself before begining again. "I like to fuck myself with sentient vines." He whispered to him.

"OOOOKAYY, Kev's gotta go. Nope, see ya, Flowers." Kevin said leaving the premises.

Kevin didn't necessarily need to know that, but he wouldn't tell anyone else. Hell, he didn't want to tell himself.

"I keep dreaming of...Dr. Gaster." Rivera spoke finally. "But last night he...he was like...it felt like he was truly there." She said, her voice getting shaky. "He said that..." he voice trailed off but Kevin was sure she said that he said he loved her.

"Did you believe him?" Kevin questions. He of course couldn't see her face but he knew she was in tears from the soft hiccups. He reached his hand into her cloak and felt her warm cheek and stroked the tears away. "There's no need to cry, Rivera. It isn't your fault, ok." He said smiling softly. "'Sides, who needs that guy! He is old news. Find someone new, Vera." He said removing his hand. Rivera chuckled.

"Don't you think I tried that? I tried to find a new love...but just can't..." Rivera huffed. "Whatever, go go. I gotta relax myself." She said turning away from Kevin. Kevin did so and made his way back upstairs.

Damn, Rivera was not going to get herself together. No, she wasn't crying anymore, but she was really frustrated. Rivera didn't even want Gaster. She wanted him to just come back. She needed him to be their warming her world with that fire he forged from his very being. She needed some relief. She needed to swim.

Being made of water and carbon, swimming for her was obviously a serious ritual. Hell, showering was a special thing. She removed her cloak, which hasn't happened in the last 10 year. Underneath, was a black leotard revealing her beautiful legs. Dr. Gaster would marvel her body whenever he had the opportunity. Rivera put her body in the water and she faded into it, dissolving into nothing but water.


"Isabelle, please, let it go." Howard cautioned his wife. Isabelle paced around the room, infuriated. Her chest was tight with anger, boiling within her deep. Isabelle saw her son exerting his powers and she did not want him getting mixed into this crazy world of SORT. She knew that he would only get worse and hurt himself. She couldn't take allowing her sweet son get caught up in this crazy mess.

"No Howard! I...I can't allow him to get even more tangled up into this bullshit! I'm gonna go talk to Barbra. She's not going to drag him into this." Isabelle rushed the room to the other side of the building. Isabelle was far to frustrated to relocate herself so she marched pass people aggressively.

Finally she made it to the training room. In the small viewing facility, Barbra and Kevin sat watching Edd and Windon spar in the large gym area.

"Barbra!" Isabelle shouted. "Do you mind explaining to me why Eddward is doing THIS?"

"Izzy," Barbra looked up at her. "This is for the greater good."

"Of what?!" Isabelle's patience was being tested.

"We are trying to do something that will be better for everyone!" Bobby was getting a bit frustrated, herself.

"Stop beating around the bush, Barbra!" Isabelle slammed her fist on the wall.

"Mom, please relax." Kevin said. The mom part slipped out, but no one stopped him. It actually calmed down Isabelle.

"You know how hard I have tried to keep Eddward away from this? You know how he is!" Isabelle's tone was concern and her eyes were scared.

"Well what about me, Isabelle? I'm just as bad as he is!" And the truth cometh out. Barbra had similar mental disorders as Eddward in the OCD and Bipolar areas but Barbra had something called Depersonalization Disorder. Something close to schizophrenia, except she has a feeling of emotionless at times. Almost robotic like.

"Bobby, do you think I don't care about you? I don't want this for you either!" Isabelle was upsettingly emotional now.

"Well, its too late for that!" Bobby snapped. She was over her superior trying to be 'sweet' to her after all these years.

"It's never too late." Isabelle said in a domineering tone that sent a shock through Kevin. He never heard her speak this way but to Bobby it was normal.

"What is with the loving shit, Isabelle? You never seemed to like me!" Bobby growled, unaffected by the elder woman.

"You think I don't like you?!"


"I would never dislike you, Barbra!"

"You always act like it! You and Howard!" Now Kevin understood. After piecing things together mentally, he saw the physical picture.

"You know we love you equally!"

"Equal to what? To Eddward? Fat fucking chance!"

"Don't do this, Barbra. You are making this dif-"

"SO WHAT IF I MADE IT DIFFICULT?! So what!? I'm doing this to take your FAVORITE son away from you! Because you dont deserve to be parents! You are a terrible mother! You abandoned your daughter and abuse your son! You deserve to rot in hell!" Bobby screamed and shouted and started smashing very expensive equipment. The lights blew out after she smashed the switch box. She heaved, out of breath. Kevin was totally calm. He seen Edd do this a few times before so he was pretty calm about it.

Windon entered the room and fixed the lights. "What in the world happened?" Windon questions but Edd knew exactly what happened.

"Are you alright Bobby?" Edd asks. Bobby didnt respond. She was pretty hyperactive right now. She bumrushed the three people in front of her and ran all the way up to her room. She was glad Tatiana was gone because she needed some time go get herself together.

"Isabelle, what-" Before Edd could finish, Kevin stopped him and escorted him up to their room. Windon and Isabelle were left alone. Isabelle's eyes stared deep into the seeming emotionless heterochromatic eyes that stared blankly right back.

"You are just like your father. Its sickening." Isabelle said and left him alone.

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