Chapter 4~ What are you doing here?!

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It's been 3 months since Brandon joined my school and we've got to know each other really well. He's made friends with some other people so we don't hang out that often but we text a lot.

Our art project is coming on very well, but most of the time we laugh and flick paint at each other like 3 year olds... At least we're having fun. We occasionally catch each others eyes but it doesn't mean anything. Right?

At lunch Emma, Lilly, Brandon, Adam and me sit in the canteen with each other and talk about... well everything.

Life couldn't get any better.

I walked home with Lilly today, we always laugh. I can't think of a time when we didn't laugh.

We got to outside my house and I noticed there was a extra car outside. It was grey, dented and old. I can't remember a car looking like this, even if I had seen it before I think I would remember it.

I walked through the front door and saw my mum sitting on the sofa with this tall middle aged man, with scruffy dark brown hair.

"Mum?" I said quietly walking forward. She was holding a tissue and looking at the floor. She looked up at me with blood shot eyes and a runny noise. She gave me a small smile trying to cover up that she had been crying.

"Naomi!" She said trying to be happy.

"What's going on?" I said with a worried tone. I didn't want to be rude and say "WHOS THAT!" So I kept my mouth shut and waited for an answer.

The tall man stood up and turned around to face me.


Even though I haven't seen my dad for 8 years I can still recognise him.

"Naomi... Oh my, your so... so grown up... I.. I can't believe it's y-"

I cut him off. " What are you doing here?" I said with a stern voice.

"Listen I know your mad, I know. I've been a terrible father to you and Mason, I've missed watching you grow up and I know it's been 8 years-"

Me: "Stop, just... Stop"

Dad: "Naomi-"

Me: "Mum said you left because of work but me and you both know that's not true, so why did you leave!" I said building up getting louder and louder.

Dad: " I... I.."

Me: " WHY, WHY DID YOU GO, ME AND MASON GREW UP WITHOUT A DAD AND YOU COME BACK ACTING ALL SORRY FOR YOUR SELF, HOW DARE YOU, HOW... dare you..." I calmed down but trying not to burst into tears"

Me: " where have you been"

Dad: " .... America"

"Ha.." I laughed pathetically

Dad: " I left because I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready to be a father.."

Me: " YOU LEFT WHEN I WAS SEVEN, REALLY? NOT READY TO BE A FATHER WHEN I WAS SEVEN? WHAT THE... HELL!?" I yelled with everyone bit of energy I had left in my body.

Dad: " it was draining, I had work, then kids, work, then kids back and forth back and forth"

Me: "I can't believe what I am hearing, you left because it was "draining" well listen sunshine that's what happens when you have a family, you work, you work to look after them, mother or father, doesn't matter, you work and you look after them , just, just look at mum! She raised me and Mason all by her self, working extra shifts just so we can eat, and you come here saying "oh it was draining" you know what, screw you"

Dad: "..........."

Me:" so I'm going to asked again, what are you doing here."

Dad: "I'm ready to commit, to be a father, to be good and care for you!"

Me: "ha, you should have been committed the second you married mum, the second I was born, the second Mason was born, it's too late, 8 years too late"

Dad: "I'm sorry.."

Me: " Look at you, your a mess!"

Mum: " I think it's time for you to go, Mark" mum said in a calm voice.

Dad: " ok.. uhhhh, ok" he said disappointed looking at the floor.

He got his things and left. I was still standing there, breathless, my heart was beating out of my chest.

"Mum? Are you ok?" I said calmly, her eyes where in a stare at the floor, still holding her tissues close to her.

"Oh sweety, I'm so sorry, I should have told you why he left, Oh God I never want this to happen-"

Me: "Mum it's fine, really, I'm glad I got to speak to him my self." I rubbed her arm.

Me: "Where's Mason?"

Mum:" He's at his friends house for dinner". She said with a high, quite voice.

"I think we're both seriously shook up" I took her in to the kitchen and I made us both some tea and we chatted for the rest of the evening.

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