Chapter 5~ Eyes locking

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I haven't gone out the whole weekend, I'm still shook up from what happened on Friday, my phone has been going crazy, call after call after call from Adam, Lily and Emma, but Brandon had been calling the most.

We talk and text practically everyday but I haven't sent anything or spoke to anyone for 3 days.

I lay back in bed and shut my eyes. It's just me in the house, my mums at work (I know it's a Sunday) and Mason is at ruby.

I fall asleep, then I heard the door bell go.

'Ughhhhh' I thought to me self.

I slid out of bed and went downstairs and opened the door.

It was Brandon. He was holding a brown paper bag.

"NAOMI! Where've you been? Are you ok!? I brought some ice cream and movies if you were sad!?" He said with a loud worried voice.

"I'm ok! I'm ok!" I repeated trying to get him to shut up. I giggled because it was sweet of home to come over to see if I was ok.

"So, uhh can I come in?" He said awkwardly.

"Of corse! Come in"

We went up to my room.

"So, I have 5 films you can pick: The Notebook, Forest Gump, Castaway, Tangled and... Oh brother, where art thou?. All you favourite films!" He said all proud.

"Mmmmmm I think I'm going to go for, my one and only, Forest Gump" I say even tho I've seen it 10000x but it never gets old.

We start watching it.

"So... what's going on?" Brandon says as he slowly looks at me.

"What do you mean? There nothing wrong?" I stay focused on the TV.

He sits up in front off the tv, " I know when there's something wrong, I'm not stupid" he says looking at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Ok fine" i said giving in and I tell him everything with my dad, the inter time  he was listening and really taking in what I was saying, I new he cared I could see it.

When I finished talking Brandon just said "what a dick". I laughed and he laughed and our eyes locked again, but this time we stared at each other longer. I wanted  to look away but I couldn't, he slowly leaned in and I slowly leaned in but... then I pulled away,  I looked at the bed. "Do you wonna watch another film?" I said looking back up at him, he was looking at me and smiled "ok".

The afternoon we binged watch 3 of the movies and agreed to watched the other 2 another time.

Its currently 2:30 am so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm tried :P

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