*Finding Courage* Scene from Ch. (28)

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Scene from Ch. 28

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Please enjoy this last upload of the book...I am going to include the list of chapters next for reference!

          We watched for a moment more, when the darke faery on the serpent yelled out amongst his own ranks. He ordered those still standing, those unaffected, to strike out at those no longer in control of themselves. They easily removed the heads of the deranged in their haste. It was gruesome, the thick blood upon the ground, as not all of the darke faery were old, their blood long ago consumed. As we continued to watch, their numbers fell, not enough to even the odds, but enough. As they continued their butchery, Gable shouted the cry for war. The Leight rode out to meet the Army of the Darke amid the chaos that ensued. We surged into them like a mighty wave upon the ocean.

           I rode beside Gable as we surged forward, slicing a wide path, taking heads as we went. The zing of sword upon sword as the battle began in earnest. As I viewed the scene around me, I watched as the Leight came now from the sky, those without horses, flying out in a second wave to provide coverage from above.

          Using the strategy that Gable and I had decided upon, using my powers to boost the effect of the diamond outcrops. Now the Faery of Leight had multiple circles of protection to fall back too. If the Darke crossed our lines, they were quickly disposed of, their ability to fight removed by the high resonations of the diamonds. Around me, I placed a circle of protection for myself. My main goal was to offer aide to as many as possible; my real battle would not begin until the Darke One arrived. As the battle continued onward, I sent my magick outward to the fighting warriors. Protection, firebolts of energy and thoughts caused confusion for the darke faery as their greater numbers fell and they attempted to overtake the Leight. They'd never seen this type of magick before, fighting against it cost them time and energy, something that they did not have to waste...(Faerytale, The Greatest TAle Never Told...*Book One* Ch. 28, Pg. 197).

©2011 Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

Please Join Me in the final chapters of “Faerytale, The Greatest TAle Never Told...” Available at www.lulu.com

Thanks and much Luv, Aelfwynn

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