Chapter Eight: Life Sized Storm Trooper

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I rapped solidly on the door. I'd cried for a good four hours, then decided I was done wallowing alone and I needed a friend, so I turned to my best friend. The door opened and Barney was there, still in his suit.

"Lauren?" I smiled.

"Hey...Oh my gosh, what happened to your face?"

"I got slapped." I laughed.

"So, you wanna explain this whole thing to me, or what?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on in." I walked in.

"Wow, your place is awesome. Oh my gosh, is that a life sized Storm Trooper?"

 Oh my gosh, is that a life sized Storm Trooper?"

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"It's awesome is what it is." I nodded.

"It really is, yeah..." He stepped up beside me.

"Lauren...are you ok?" I looked at the ground, biting my lip. My eyes burned, a sign that any second I could start crying again.

"Yeah, of course why wouldn't I be?" I asked, unconvincingly.

"Ted." I shrugged.

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"What?" He asked. I looked at him now, a single tear falling down my face.

"This isn't my first rodeo, Barney."

"You're telling me this has happened before? To you. Really?" I turned away from him. I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Maybe this was a bad idea. I should go..." I started towards the door, only to run slam into Barney.  I looked up at him, and once again, I just broke down. I covered my face with my hands and he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me against his chest.  I sniffled, pulling away from him. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I was just...surprised is all." I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Well, I mean, look at you! Your feisty, independent, crazy smart. And you're hot! You've got a rockin' body, a nice-"

"Ok, I get the point." I cut him off. He grabbed my arms.

"Look, Ted and those other guys are idiots, ok? They'd have to be. I mean what do those other girls have that you don't?"

"You know...not slutty enough, not busty enough, not willing enough...not Robin."

"So what? Lauren, you are the most awesome person I've ever met-well...second most awesome."

"The first being you?" He smiled.

"You wanna see what the slap bet was about?" I nodded. He led me over to the couch, grabbing a DVD and his laptop. "Mentally prepare yourself for this, ok?"I nodded. "So, we knew that Robin had a secret. I bet that it was-"

"I'll bet I know what you thought it was."

"-and Marshall disagreed." The video started playing.  "You see, doesn't this look like-"


"So, I slapped him, without permission. Then Robin cleared it up and we watched the rest of the video."

"Let's go to the mall everybody." I looked at him with wide eyes.


"Yes! In Canada, Robin Scherbotzky was a teen pop star, know for her hit Let's Go To The Mall."

"Come on Jessica. Come on Tori. Let's go to the mall you won't be sorry. Put on your jelly bracelets, Grab your cool graffiti coat. At the mall, havin' fun is what it's all about."  I leaned on Barney's shoulder, laughing. I was crying again...but the good kind.

"Oh my gosh!" I wiped my eyes. As the video progressed, I realized how tired I was. I didn't know it at the time, but by the time the video was over, I was fast asleep...


"Now you see..." Lauren's head was on my shoulder and she was softly snoring. I chuckled. She had tear stains on her face, and yet she was smiling. I felt so bad. I don't know how Ted could be so stupid. I scooped her up into my arms and carried her to my bedroom, laying her in bed. I took off her shoes, and she stirred.

"Barney..." She mumbled quietly.

"Hmm?" That's when I realized that she was still asleep. She was mumbling my name in her sleep. I realized, as much as I hated it, that I love the way she says my name. I wasn't expecting it to happen, but...

I'm falling in love with her.  Maybe I already have.

I leaned down, kissing her forehead and pulling the blanket over her.

"Good night, Lauren."


I woke up the next morning in a bed I didn't recognize. I had a mini panic attack until I remembered what happened last night. I must've fallen asleep. I noticed Barney was asleep beside me, on top of the blankets, still in his suit from the previous night. He must've fallen asleep too. I sat up, pushing my hair out of my face. I can't go back to my apartment. I just can't. Barney stirred beside me, his eyes opening.

"Hey." He groaned tiredly.

"I can't go back." I said.


"To my apartment." I looked at him. "If I go back, I'll just be alone with my thoughts, and with me that is a very dangerous environment."

"Hey, relax." He said, sitting up.

"Barney, I know it's a lot to ask. And I know-"

"Don't worry about it. Of course you can stay here." I smiled, hugging him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I won't be any trouble, I promise. And you know? I was thinking, that I'd like to make it up to you for last night."


"with Laser Tag!" He smiled. "We've been meaning to go together, right? Why not now?"

"Yes! This is going to be Legend-Wait for it...wait...wait for it...Lauren?"

"Dary!" We high fived, laughing the whole time.


"Flank right! Flank right!" Barney commanded.

"On your left!" I warned, shooting the guy before he could shoot Barney.

"You just saved my life."

"Always at you service, sir!" I shoulder. Suddenly his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me against his chest as he shot someone trying to shoot at me.

"Just thought I'd return the favor." He said in my ear.


I laughed as we walked down the street, on our way back to Barney's place. We could have taken a cab, but it was a beautiful night.

"I must say, you are the best Laser Tag partner I've ever had." I told him.

"I've never had a partner."

"Never?" I asked.

"The others don't really like laser tag. They're all losers." I laughed.

"Well, anytime you need a partner, you know who to call. I had a lot of fun today."

"Well, it's not over yet! Why don't we hit the bar? You clearly area good laser tag partner, let's test your skills as a wing man." I hesitated.

"You know what? Why not. The night is young!"

As I started spending more and more time with Barney, the closer I got to him. He was easily my best friend. k

Challenge Accepted(A Barney Stinson/HIMYM Fan-fiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now