Chapter Twenty-Two: Simon and The Lunch Date

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We sat at our usual booth in the bar. Barney sat in a chair, I sat on his lap, and Ted was telling us a story.

"So, I go in this morning and burr  it's freezing. So I walk over there, and I don't know why I'm still talking, because clearly, we're all asking the same question, what in the world is going on with Robin's chest."

"I wasn't asking that question." I told him.

"An old friend from Canada is in town and I'm metting him for a drink."

"Ooh! Somebody you went to Degrassi with?" Barney asked, as we high fived.

"No. Actually, he was my first boyfriend. Simon. I thought he was the cooelst guy ever. He smelled liek Drakkar. He could ollie on a skateboard, and he had the most amazing colelction of Hard Rock Cafe t-shirts. Ugh, we spent the whole summer madly in love."

"Tell me more, tell me more, like did he have a car?"

"You are on fire today!" I told my boyfriend. He laughed. "So, what happend to dear old Simon?"

"One night, his band had just finished playing this gig, I was loading up the van, when he took my hand. I'll never forget what he said. 'Listen babe, it's over. I'm getting back together with Louise Marsh'."

"Louise Marsh? That's a whore's name if I've ever heard one."

"Yeah, why would he want to get back together with Louise Marsh?" Marshall questioned.

"Her parents got a pool. So, I went to leave, and he called me back, and said 'You forgot to load the drum set'."


"Tell me you did not load the drum set." Ted begged her.

"I did." We all groaned, Barney, burying his face in my shoulder.

"And now he's coming here? Robin, why do you want to see this guy?" Marshall asked. His wife replied:

"Oh, I know why! You're gonna win, aren't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do. When you haven't seen someone in a long time, no matter how much you want to deny it, there's always a clear winner and a clear loser." Ted explained.

"Ok, well since you brought it up, let's add up the points. Ok, so Simon still livse with his mom."

"Point Robin."

"He never became a rockstar."

"Point Robin."

"And he now works at a water slide park outside of Ottawa."

"Point Simon."

"Wait. Do they have a wave pool?" Ted asked.


"Ah, point Robin." Marshall corrected himself, "That's five-zip there's no coming back from that."

"Yah, he's going down. I mean, unless somehow he got hotter." She looked up. "There he is." I hid my face in Barney's neck, trying not to laugh to loudly.

"Hey babe."

"Oh my gosh." Robin giggled. I looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows.  That's when my phone rang.

"Excuse me." I walked outside, answering it. "Hello?"

"Lauren." I froze.


"Yes, How are you?"

"Last I checked you didn't care." I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Don't behave like a child, Dear."

"Don't treat me like a child, Father. Last time we talked, you told me you never wanted to see me again."

"Your mother has brought it to my attention that I may have acted irrationally. I cannot force you into law. It is your decision."

"I'm glad you see things my way." I shot back.

"But now for the real reason I'm calling. I hear you have yourself a boyfriend."

"Where did you hear that?"

"A college buddy of mine saw you together. He works at GNB."  I nodded. That explains it. "Arrange a lunch. I want to meet this man."

"No." I replied. He sighed into the phone.

"It was a father's right-"

"You lost the right to call yourself my father." I interrupted him. "You told me I wasn't your daughter, so that means your not my father. You don't have the right to approve of my boyfriend."

"Lauren...I admit that I made a mistake in reacting the way I did. I apologize. Will you allow me this lunch, not only to meet this boyfriend, but also to offer my apologies?"  I sighed now.

"How is tomorrow afternoon?"


"Great. I'll text you the address."I walked over to the table, grabbing Barney's arm and pulling him away from the table.

"Hey, what's going on?"He asked.

"We have lunch with my dad tomorrow." He raised his eyebrows. "He just called me.He wants to have lunch to apologize and meet you."

"And you beleive him?" I shook my head.

"I think he's full of crap, but it's already scheduled. You'll come with me, right?"

"I...I will, but just know I've never been the type to meet 'parents'."

"When it comes to my dad, no one is." He nodded and I kissed him breifly before returning to the table with the others.

Challenge Accepted(A Barney Stinson/HIMYM Fan-fiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now