Chapter 1- This Means War

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Blake's POV
As I opened my locker to put in my books, I felt a hand lightly punch my shoulder, with me being the most on edge person in the school, I was ready to turn around and sock the guy. I sigh in relief when I realize it's Liam. Liam and I have been best friends since we were in little league football together, plus the guys an awesome partier so he gets bonus points

"Woah it's just me! Put the fist down" Liam chuckles

"You know not to do that to me!" I say agrivateldy and he shrugs.

"I said sorry, hey you up for a party tonight?" I smirk, I am the party King. People started calling me that because... Well that's a story for another time. A girl with brown hair that I easily recognize as Ivy comes skipping over and jumps on Liam's back.

"Hey Liam, Layla and I are doing movie night wanna come?" Ivy asks. Ivy Blackwell, the only girl in the school that cannot stand me, I don't know why she has so much beef against me but she does. He lets her down and lifts an arm around her shoulder.

"Sorry, Ivy no can do, I'm going to a party with Blake tonight, unless you want to come?" She gives him an are you crazy look, causing me to chuckle

"I don't do parties"

"Good girl much?" I tease, I've always done that with her but it's only made her hate me more. She turns to me and crosses her arms.

"Male shouvanist pig much?"

"What does that mean?" She smirks

"I don't expect you to know" She walks away without another word and I smirk. This means war.

"Does someone have a crush?" Liam teases and I chuckle

"As if. You know I don't do relationships" he puts his hands up in surrender. It's Friday night and we don't have a game, I am so ready for this party.
I stumble into the house and the light turns on, I look over and see my dad, great.

"Where the hell have you been?" He shouts worriedly

"Shhh, too loud!" I say while grabbing my head, it feels as if there's a bunch of hammers pounding in my head right now and he's adding onto it.

"Are you drunk?" I smirk

"I was at a party dad, calm down-"

"No I will not calm down! It's two in the morning, you had me worried sick! And after what happened with your mother you still are going to do this?!"

"Don't bring mom into this!" I shout. He knows that mom is a touchy subject for me. When I was younger, my mom took me to a party, she got drunk and I didn't know any better so I let her drive home, I think that's one of the reasons why Ivy hates me... My mom crashed into another car and both mom and the other driver died, the other driver was Ivy's mom.

"I will bring you're mother into this because she made the stupid mistake in drunk driving and look where that got her!"

"Well you were quick enough to replace her with Mariana-"

"I've had enough of this! I got a call from your Math teacher saying that you were failing, I figured hey maybe it's because you party constantly, worry about girls, and don't focus on your studies. I got you a tutor whether you like it or not" he snaps, I can see the anger in his eyes already

"Oh really and who is this mystery person?"

"Ivy Blackwell" Great. Just freakin awesome. Anger rises in me and I just snap.

"Well dad just accept the fact that your son is a failure already because I am not going anywhere!" I shout at him while walking past him and slamming my door shut. I get changed into pajama pants and a hoodie and plop on my bed while covering my head with a pillow as my father has another meltdown.
Hey guys, so here is the sequel! I'm going to take this book slow because I want to make sure it is as good as TNGATBB. Comment below what you think and don't forget to vote, hope you liked it,

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