Getting Tails

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********************* A/N: Hey guys, Angelique here, and so this chapter is special!!! Just read and you'll see!! *******************

*at Island of Kuipo*

"Keep up you guys!" I yelled looking back at Kenzie and Sophie. They were far behind.

"Well slow down and then we'll catch up!" Yelled Sophie from behind me.

I just smiled and stopped to sit on a rock to wait for them. It's getting dark. But I like it that way. I want to see the moon. Sophie and Kenzie finally caught up with me.

"Hey you guys look." I pointed to the the right of me. "The moon is coming out." We all looked to see the moon rise in the distance.

"..... Let's keep walking..." Said Kenzie still staring.

We continued walking until we got to this big huge watering hole. It was the most magnificent sight I've ever seen in my whole life. It was huge with a big waterfall falling into it.

"Wow....." I said looking around. I continued walking. "Hey guys look... Is that a cave?" We all walked down more behind the water fall.

"No it isn't." Sophie said.

"Yeah it is. Let me go see..." I walked behind the waterfall into this big huge cave. It was ginormous. But I saw why Sophie couldn't see it. It was well hidden. "C'mon you guys! It's fine!" I shouted from behind the waterfall.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Sophie's P.O.V ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Man... I don't like this.... Why did Angelique bring us here? I mean, I know she says that they're all myths and stuff but come on.... I have to admit that it's a beautiful sight. Which comforts me a little. But, let's go behind this waterfall.... Since I have no choice...

"It's kind of creepy..." I said quietly. My voice echoed... "What kind of place is this?"

"I think it used to be a volcano..." Kenzie said. Me and Angelique looked at her worried.

"WHAT?!" Me and Angelique said in unison.

"Guys calm down. It's been dorment for over 20,000 years. I don't think it'll erupt any time soon. Plus, I'm the history freak." Kenzie said pointing to herself.

"You better be right girl." Angelique said.

We continued walking until we got into this weird, small cave. It had coral and stuff all over the ceiling and walls like as if it had been.... underwater. It was weird. I wonder what time it was. It was getting dark. Ugh, I just hope we don't get in trouble when we get home.

"Hey guys look at this..." Angelique said pointing out a small hole in the wall shaped like a conch shell. She touched it and then we heard a huge ringing that sounded like a conch shell being blown. What the?!

"What did you do?! You're going to kill us!" I screamed. The whole place started shaking violently. After about 5 seconds they both stopped. We all looked around then at each other. There was a weird slurping noise and next thing you know...


"ANGELIQUE!!!" She got sucked into the ground!! What's going on?!


"KENZIE!!!!" They were both gone!! What am I going to do?!

Next thing you know *SLURRP*

"AHHHHHH!!!!" I landed into a......pool??? I looked around after coming up from under water. Ugh! I hate water!! Angelique and Kenzie started helping me stay above the water.

"What happened?!" I shouted to them.

"I don't know! I just touched that hole and next thing you know w-we're falling through grounds and in water and-"

"Angelique!! Angelique. Calm down!" Kenzie said putting her hands on Angelique's shoulders to try to calm her down. "We just need to stay ca-"

The water just started bubbling like as if we were in a jacuzzi. We all looked up to see the full moon above us..... It was strangely beautiful..... We stared at it until it went away.....

"That was....weird...." I said slowly. We all looked at each other....

"We need to find a way out." Angelique finally said.

"Well where else can we go?" Kenzie said. "We're basically trapped in here."

"Wait...." Angelique said putting her finger up to her lips to shut Kenzie up. ".... Do you hear what I hear?....."

"What?" I said very confused.

"The water is slushing.... That means it's connected to the ocean! I'll be right back. I'm gunna swim and see how long it'll take us to swim under."

I did not want to swim. "But Angelique you know-" Too late.... She's gone....

***** A few minutes later *****

"Where is she?" I sighed to Kenzie.

"I don't know.... She's taking forever."

"It's only been 3 minutes."

"But it feels like forever." Said Kenzie lazily.

We heard a breathe out and we looked to see Angelique.

"Angelique! So how long do we have to swim for?" Kenzie said hyped up again.

"Well 20 seconds from my count. I counted about 15 second swim to get out the other side of the cave, and an extra 5 seconds to get to the surface." She said sounding sure. "So you guys ready to go?"

"Yeah." Said Kenzie.

"Wait guys.... You know I'm not a good swimmer. I can't swim...."

"It's okay Sophie. Just kick your legs hard and swish your arms in front and to the side to help push you. Just watch me when we go under okay?" Angelique said.

I just nodded. Man I don't want to do this. But we have no other choice.

"Just take a really deep breath and go under. Try to swim as fast as you can." Angelique grabbed my hand to help me.

"1..... 2....3!" We all took deep breaths and dove under and started swimming.

We finally reached the surface. Man it was getting cold!! I just wanted to get home. We swam until we got to the boat again. Angelique started the boat and we took off home. We all looked back at the island as we were going towards the city..... Let's just say that we're never going back there again.... It was quiet the whole ride back to Angelique's house.

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