Chapter 6

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As promised, here is chapter 6 which is dedicated to @Divyata :D

Pic on the side is of >>>


Jealousy is the lack of trust you have in your relationship but being protective means you believe what's your is only yours - unknown.



“Fuck” I hissed through my teeth getting up with full force such that the chair fell down with a thud. This was not good. Totally not good.

Seline is here. What the hell is she doing here?

“Everything okay Alpha?” I heard Fox asking me with worry.

“Yes and you will be picking your eyes from the floor if you stare at my mate again” I snarled and got out of the room ignoring their wide eyes.

I didn’t pay any attention to the loud clunk of the door when I closed it. I just wanted Sel out of here. I didn’t want her being here especially if anything bad happened. I wanted her to be safe. She is everything that I have as a family now.

I went downstairs and my gaze fell on Sel who was laughing along with Raven. What the hell are these girls doing here? Doesn’t Granel know about it?

‘Chris. Call Granel and inform him that his mate is in the club’ I growled. Thanks to the loud music around my growl wasn’t audible.

I made my way towards Sel who was walking towards a counter. People around started spreading apart making way for me. They could sense the anger radiating from me. Sel had her back to me and I growled louder when I saw her dress. She was wearing a flowy, layered blue dress that reached only up to her mid thighs showing off her long legs.

She looked sexy and that had my wolf scratching inside me. Other lecherous bastards were ogling at her and I wanted to kill them all. I should be the only one looking at her like that. She is mine. Great! I sound like a toddler that doesn’t like sharing his toys.

I reached and wrapped my arm around her tiny waist from behind. Sel immediately stiffened and started growling but when she felt the electricity jolting between us she relaxed. “What are you doing here?” I whispered roughly near her ear. I just didn’t want her here. I didn’t want her in a place like this.

“Hi Duncan” Raven said from somewhere.

“Hi” Sel replied and turned to look at me. Her body was tense and I could sense that. “What are you doing here?” she queried.

“I asked you first” I replied curtly.

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