Chapter 28

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Here is chapter 28 for you all lovelies:D

This chapter is dedicated to @nicoya30 :D

Pic of Sel>>>


“Manipulation, fueled with good intent, can be a blessing. But when used wickedly, it is the beginning of a magician's karmic calamity.” 
T.F. HodgeFrom Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"



My knees felt like jelly all of a sudden and so, taking a step back, I held the counter for support.

Alpha Peter has been killed. I couldn’t believe it. He was supposed to meet Duncan next week. I had spoken with him yesterday and now, he is dead. My eyes were blurry all of a sudden and I closed my eyes, letting the tears flow.

Duncan immediately rushed to my side and wrapped his arms around my waist. I sobbed louder against his chest.

My heart went for Raven, Cortez, Brenda and his pack. How must they have felt?

I knew it was the rogues who did it but how did they know?

I had great respect for Alpha Peter who was our mentor. Without him, I would have never known what exactly had happened to Orion and Tito. I would still be in dark and continuously mourn for Orion. Without him, I wouldn’t have been able to protect Darya. I owed a lot to him and now, he was gone. Just like that.

I had spoken to him before I came here and he was pleased to know Duncan and I were back together. It wasn’t even twenty four hours since I last spoke to him and now he was gone.

Then I realized what else Duncan had said. Cortez has gone to attack rogues. He might have been really furious after learning about Alpha Peter. He has lost a father in Alpha Peter.

“When?” I asked Duncan pulling away while he was turning off the heat.

“Almost two hours ago. They don’t know who killed him but Cortez has gone to attack the rogues few minutes ago. Granel wants me there Sel and I have to go. I need to talk to him, urgently. Your twin bro’s are also going to come there.”

“I will come too” I said but Duncan shook his head.

“No, I need you with Darya. The rogues know about Darya and they are going to come after her” he said and my heart started pounding in my ears. “Raven is inconsolable and so is Peter’s mate. You go there and stay with them. I will ask my pack to stay alert but I don’t want you here because the rogues know my pack territory well” Duncan said with a snarl. It was because of his dad that the rogues knew everything. “Plus the Serene Pack may pose a problem.” Duncan said. I couldn’t believe we had so much to face in one day. “Waylon and others will be here to protect the pack. I will go there alone to help Granel, but I want you to take Darya with you to your pack because I know you will be safe there.”

“I can help” I said to Duncan but he shook his head.

“Just go to your pack and don’t stop anywhere in between. Stay in your pack, along with Darya until I come.”

“Duncan” I protested but Duncan rushed to his room. I followed after him. He immediately pulled my hand bag out of the closet. He put inside a stack of cash and my cell phone inside it.

“Come on” he said, holding my arms and pulling me with him, while I was sobbing all the way.

“Sel?” I heard Darya ask questioningly when she saw me crying. She and Jane were just entering our house, I figured Duncan mind linked with her.

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