Chapter 24 [Part One]

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Presenting Chapter 1321 which is Dedicated to @whisper1321

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Also, I split this chapter into two since it was quite lengthy.


“The best mirror is an old friend.”
― George Herbert


“Stop, stop” Miss Karen said and then her daughter who was in the class today paused the music. “I do not want your back to be stiff Lisa. Just let your body flow with the music” she said sternly and I looked at Lisa who rolled her eyes.

“Again” Miss Karen said and the music played. We were currently practicing for the dance performance to be held in a nearby theatre. It will be organized by a NGO and the money from the entrance fees would go to the old age home. There wasn’t any competition, just dancing and I was glad, it was so.

“Stop” Miss Karen said and her daughter music stopped. “So, we have practiced everything we have learnt so far. Let’s choreograph the last thirty seconds of the song tomorrow. So, you girls can pack up and I will see you in the next class, which is tomorrow” she added and all of us nodded. “Bye” she said as I walked over to pick my bag. I was actually tired of dancing. My legs were aching and I so badly wanted to slump on my bed right now. I knew I was getting weak but this… it was irritating.

“Are you busy tonight?” Malory asked me while she was wearing her red hoodie. I envied her right now because she still looked energized even though she came here after a whole day in college.

“No. Why?” I asked her.

“Can you come to my place tonight for a girl’s night?” she asked me.

“Will your mom be with us?” I asked her and she nodded. I smiled and shook my head. Malory’s mom, Jenny was a complete sweetheart. She was so fun to be with. Even when we were kids, I used to go to her house. I was home schooled and didn’t knew how their schools were. Malory and Cristina used to share their story with me. Cristina was a lot like me, boyish and fighting all the time, but Malory was the shy and funny one amongst our group which also includes Twin bro’s and her cousin, Zach. Jenny, her mom would guard us standing outside her room door, not letting Twin bro’s who used to always be wearing masks and coming to scare me, Malory and Cristina because we weren’t letting them join us, in a girl’s sleepover.

“I am definitely coming” I told her and Malory grinned. “Tina?” I asked her

“She will be there too” Malory said and I grinned lowering my head. She then stopped smiling and looked at me. “Still not talking to each other?” she asked me and I knew she was talking about Duncan.

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