Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 for you all which is dedicated to @ Spellblade986 :D

Pic on the side of Sel’s dad>>>


“My dad’s contentment is all that matters to me. When he’s laughing, I’m laughing. When he’s happy, I’m happy. I would give up my soul for him. To me, nothing else but his happiness matters.”
Rebecah McManus, Colliding Worlds


When I went down around ten in the morning, I was surprised to see that the house was empty. Ma and Pa were out. I hadn’t had anything to eat after that stupid lollipop, which fell from my mouth by the way, and I was so damn hungry. I made my way into the kitchen, while Duncan was sitting in the living room and talking with his pack member.

I looked for food that mom prepared and scowled when I saw that there weren’t any food. How depressing!

Sighing, I decided to have cereal. I took two bowls because obviously, Duncan didn’t have his breakfast. While I was pouring milk on my bowl, Duncan came into the kitchen and sat in the nearby stool. He had a guilty expression in his face.

“What happened?” I asked him passing his bowl.

“I need to go back to my pack” he said and I frowned. “Serene Pack wolves” he said with a growl and I sighed. Serene Pack is a neighboring pack to Emperor Pack. Every pack knows the issue between Serene and Emperor. It has been going on for generations. The Serene Pack is the largest in the size when it comes to the area of the packs but the Alpha Scott is still greedy and he keeps trying to occupy Emperor Pack’s territory, which is what you get to hear from the wolves that fight for Emperor Pack. While those from Serene Pack think that, Emperor Pack has unlawfully taken their land years ago and now they are just trying to take back what is rightfully theirs. I actually don’t know much but the two packs keep having mini fights every once or twice in a year.

“They are completely opposite to their name, aren’t they?” I asked smirking and he nodded.

“I hope Scott’s sons don’t continue this stupid family rivalry after taking the title” Duncan said with a growl while I handed him a spoon.

“I know, have heard about his sons.”

“I met the elder one, once and I didn’t like younger Sanders either” Duncan snarled and I shook my head.

“What exactly is their problem?” I asked him after taking a spoon.  Duncan stared at me and then sighed.

“I honestly don’t know” he said and my eyes widened. “My dad had told me that they keep occupying our land but I don’t know if it is the truth or not. I found few files in his office that mentioned about the land Scott and his pack has occupied. I didn’t go to look at the details, like who is the true owner” Duncan said with a shrug and I nodded.

“So, how bad is it, this time?” I asked him.

“My pack has caught their Beta” he said with a smirk and I shook my head.

“What are you going to do? Kill him?” I asked curiously. I know about their rivalry but killing a beta can lead to a serious war.

“No, but I will make sure that mother fucker doesn’t even think about stepping into my land again” Duncan replied with a growl and I nodded.

There were few minutes of silence while we were eating.  Mentally, I wondered when Duncan would come back, if he goes today. I actually didn’t want him to go and so did my wolf. We have just got him back and it was difficult for either of us to let him go. I needed him with me. “When are you leaving?” I asked him softly staring at my bowl.

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