Chapter Forty-Five

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Joey's POV~

Ashley and I sat on the couch. We were finally heading back home. I was ready to be in my own bed, sleeping for two days straight.

I watched as Ashley scrolled through her pinterest. She was, of course, looking through nursery pins. I stopped her when I saw one that I liked.

"Babe, look at that one." I said as I pointed.

She tapped on it and looked up at me. "You like that one?" She asks.

"Yeah." I smiled. She gave a small smile back before saving it, in a folder named Baby Stamper. "Baby Stamper?" I ask.

"Yeah." She grinned, "Kelsey has one named #BabyGrimm, so we went with matching names."

"Wow. You two really are best friends." I laugh.

"Of course we are. You and Caleb are best friends. Like I'm best friends with Fallon and Brycie too." She responded.


Later that night, we all sat at the venue. Caleb and I sat next to our wives, whom were talking about our children. Ashley had been scrolling through pinterest all day.

"Am I only the one who noticed that our children are going to be born like within months of eachother?" I ask.

"No." Kelsey answered, "Ashley and I knew."

"Oh! Joey look at this!" Ashley exclaimed, poking me.

"What?" I ask. She tilted her phone and let me see.

"It's Ohio State." She grinned. I smiled at her excitement. "Do you like it?" She asks.

"Yeah." I smiled, "But I thought you didn't like basketball."

"So? Can't I make my husband happy?" She asks.

"Well, yeah. But I want you to have a say. He's your baby too." I comment.

"No. I like it." She nods.

"Then save it." I suggested.

"What themes are you thinking about?" Kelsey asked.

"Joey wants a musical baller, so I'm trying to find something like that." Ashley answered.

"A musical baller, Joe?" Caleb laughed.

Ashley smiled, "That night when I told him, he kept going on about a musical baller, like himself."

"It's true." I nodded.

"Of course it's true." Alan muttered.

"I'm taking you down tomorrow in basketball." Spencer challenged.

"Can't. Sorry." I mumbled.

"What y'all got plans?" Spencer asked.

"No. He'll be sleeping for the next two days." Ashley laughs.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Just go with it. Happens after every tour." Chad snickers.

"But Thursday we'll have that livestream." Alan informed.

"Let me guess. My turn for dinner?" Ashley asks.

"Uh-oh." I laugh.

"Hey." She groaned.

"I'm playing. I love your cooking." I comment.

"I was actually thinking Chickfila. I've been craving Chickfila, or Mexican." She smiles sweetly.

"Now that you're pregnant, you want always Chickfila?" I ask.

"Stop." She whines.

"I love you." I smile, kissing her cheek.

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