Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Ashley's POV~

I sighed as Joey pulled up in front of the federal building. I had the papers in my hand. I just didn't want to go up. I would rather be clocking in then handing in my leave papers.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Josy asked.

I shook my head, "No. Stay here with Kane. I'll be fine."

"You sure?" He mumbled.

"Yeah. I'll try to be quick. I love you." I sighed.

He smiled, "I love you too."

I turned my head and quickly kissed him. He smiled at me as I exited the car.

I made my way through the building and up to the BAU. I sighed, last time seeing this office for four months.

I took a deep breath as I made way up to the platform and knocked on Hotch's office door.

"Come in." He called.

I twisted the handle and entered the room. "Hey, Hotch." I mumbled.

He stood up. "Hello, Stamper. Need something?"

"Uh, no. Just turning in my papers." I shook my head.

"I see." He nodded. I handed him one of the papers. "We'll see you in a few months. Be careful."

"Yeah. See ya." I sighed. I turned on my heels and walked out.

I got off the platform and made my way to the section chief's office. Never in a million years would I thought that I'd be here. Raising a family, working for one of the most respected teams, it was all so surreal.

Once I reached the chief's office, I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" He called out.

"Agent Stamper." I replied.

"Come in." He responded. I did as told and went into his room. He smiled as he stood up, "What brings you here Agent Stamper?"

"Just bringing by my leave papers." I replied.

"Maternity leave?" He asked, glancing down at my stomach.

"Yeah, and my medical leave papers, ordered by a doctor." I answered, handing him the papers.

"Well, I'll look forward to seeing you back in a few months." He smiled warmly.

"You too sir," I nodded.

"See you later, Stamper." He stated.

I smiled in return as I left. I laid my hand on my stomach as I walked through the hallways.

I left the building and got into the car. Joey smiled at me again, and I attempted to return it.

"I know you don't like doing this." He stated.

"I don't, but I was thinking." I started.

"Uh-oh." He joked.

I ignored his comment and rolled my eyes. "But I was. Never in a million years did I think that I'd be here. Working for this team, raising our family. It's all so different. We've been through so much since February, it's crazy."

"You're right, we have. But it's all okay, especially with you by my side." He smiled.


I scrolled through Twitter while I ate my animal crackers. I could hear the guys talking as I sat there, bored.

I sighed and turned on the tv. "Great." I grumbled, watching the news.

"What's wrong, babe?" Joey asked, turning to me.

"People are blaming the FBI for the lives lost yesterday." I mumbled.

"It's not your fault, Ash. You did everything you guys could." Caleb reassured.

"I know, but the last we need is for the public to think that the government doesn't care." I sighed, "I just need to get it off my mind."

"Wanna come help us?" Alan asked.

I nodded and stood up. I quickly waddled my way over, standing next to Joey. He smiled and laced our fingers. "What are you guys working on?" I.asked.

"Thinking about doing another Justin Bieber medly or One Direction." Chad shrugged.

"What if each of you chose a song from each of their albums?" I suggested.

"So now we just need to choose who picks from what album and the artist." Alan mumbled.

"Pick from your favorite album." I shrugged.

"Thanks babe." Joey smiled, kissing my cheek.


I smiled down at Joey as he laid his head on my stomach. "Hey, little guy. It's your daddy again. Only five more week until you're here, and I can't wait. Neither can mommy, or your aunts and uncles, your grandparents are also so excited. I can't wait to show you the world. I can't wait to teach you so many things. I can't wait to love my little miracle surprise." Joey whispered, kissing my stomach.

Joey sat up, quickly kissing me. I smiled, "I'm so lucky, and I wouldn't change a thing."

He smirked, "Why are you so lucky?"

"I have an amazing, sweet, caring, loving, funny, supportive man I get to call my husband, who's given me a life I could never dream of. I have this precious life growing inside of me that we made. I have an amazing family, a great job. Everything that I could ask and wish for. It's all falling into place." I responded.

"That it is. I have an amazing, caring, beautiful, brave, sarcastic, sexy wife. You gave me love that I never thought I would have received. You've given me a family, you've given me a wonderful marriage. We've been married for 4 and half years, and I can't wait for more. I love you more than you think. I love you with all I have. I love that I can brag about being your husband, I love that I can now brag about raising a family with the woman I love the most." He whispered. I smiled as tears came to my eyes. He wiped away the tears that had fallen onto my cheek. "Babe, stop crying. I love you."

"I love you too." I muttered, "You sure do pull at the heart."

He grinned, "Because you're my heart, my world, my everything."

I laughed, "Joey, stop, before I start crying again."

He smiled as he kissed me, then leaned his head down on my stomach. "I'm so sorry you have to hear us being sappy. Just mommy and I love eachother, and we love you too." He mumbled, trying not to laugh.

He sat back up again, kissing my cheek. He laid his arm over my large belly and buried his face into my neck.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He muttered.


Ugh. Sappy much? Sorry 'bout that. But guys! Guys! Kelsey's post to Caleb on Instagram was soo cute.😍🙈 And OHIO WON THE NBA!!!!! I don't watch basketball but OHIO AGAINST THE WORLD!!! Their first win in the NBA finals.

Okay, I'm done. I was being like Joey for a moment. Oops.😁💁🏻

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