Scary X Boat X Ride?

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A boat pulls up to the shore, right next to the applicants. Wait, we're traveling to the island by boat?! I feel myself begin to get dizzy with panic. I don't think I can do this!


A lady, wearing a yellow pullover vest with the Hunter's Association symbol on it, lowers a large wooden platform from the shore to the boat.

"Welcome applicants! This boat will take you to Zevil Island!" She tells us, her overly cheery voice hurting my ears as I try to calm myself down. It's okay, it's just a boat. I'll be fine, nothing is going to happen. What if something does happen though?! What if the boat sinks?!

My breathing begins to quicken, labored breaths escaping my lips faster as my thoughts spiral. I'm gonna die. There's no way I can do this. The boat is gonna sink! Everyone is going to drown, I can't let this happen. Oh God, I'm gonna drown. I see the other applicants getting on the boat. My hands start shaking, and I stop thinking coherently. Everything blends together, and I can no longer make out who is entering the boat.

"Ki," I hear a soft voice say my name, momentarily bringing me out of my state of panic. A hand lays itself on my shoulder. I take a deep breath, and play with the hem of my tank top. Looking next to me, I see Kurapika. His hand is on my shoulder and his face is within mere inches of mine. He softly speaks. "Are you alright?"

I look into his eyes, mesmerized. My breathing calms down, and I regain control of myself.

"Just a little... um... uhh..." I'm not sure how to phrase my words into coherent sentences. I can feel his breaths softly caress my face, and I can't take my eyes off of his. I lose my train of thought, captured in the moment.

Then I'm suddenly snapped back into reality when the woman from the boat yells.

"Come on! We're gonna leave without you if you don't hurry up!" She yells all too cheerfully. I break eye contact with Kurapika, and we quickly hurry to the boat and get on. It all happens so fast I don't have time to process anything. Once I'm on the boat it's too late to turn back; the wooden platform already being removed.

The boat starts moving, and I suddenly feel queasy. I sit down and try to pretend that we're not over a huge gaping body of water, that could swallow us all at any moment, right now. The rocking of the crashing waves is making it difficult to accomplish that though. OH GOD. I think as another wave collides with the side of the boat. I'm gonna die. I hate it out here.

***Kurapika's POV***
The wind gently runs through my hair, as I take in the smell of the refreshing salty sea air. Ahh, this is nice. It's so beautiful out here. I can feel the boat swaying barely noticeably as the ocean lightly carries us towards Zevil Island. The sea is so elegant and gorgeous. I love it out here.

***Gon's POV*** (A/N: Bet you weren't expecting this >:-] the first Gon POV of the whole fanfiction so far!)

Wow! It's so pretty! I can smell the fresh air, and I'm suddenly hit with nostalgia. I miss Aunt Mito, I'm sure she's doing okay! I take a deep breath and I know that it's going to be smooth sailing the entire trip to Zevil Island. No storms are on the horizon.

I look over to my left, and see Killua contently looking out to the skyline, standing right next to me. Then I notice something weird. Hikaru is on the floor, her head in here hands and she looks like she's about to vomit. What's wrong? I hope she's okay.

I walk over to where she is sitting, and crouch down beside her.

"What's wrong? Do you get seasick?" I ask curiously. "Do you need anything?"

She answers my question with silence, concerning me more. Is she incapacitated by seasickness? I've helped a lot of the sailor's back on Whale Island out with their seasickness but I've never seen it be this extreme before. I wonder if I can do anything to help?

Just then, Killua walks up to us, hands in his pockets. His face contorts into an expression of confusion.

"What's going on?" He asks nonchalantly, keeping emotion out if his voice.

"I'm not sure," I reply, furrowing my brows. "I think it might be seasickness. Hey, what do you think Killua?"

A tiny wave hits the side of the boat, barely moving the boat at all. It wasn't even strong enough to make me question my balance. Hikaru jumps when the wave hits the side of the boat, grasping the sides of the boat and holding on so hard that her knuckles turn white.

"Hmph, I think I know what's going on here." He replies monotone, as if he's witnessed this happening a million times before.

"Really?! Wow Killua! I can't even figure out what's wrong." I exclaim, surprise and curiosity blossoming in my voice as I speak to my friend. "What's going on with her?"

Killua walks right up next to her, and leans towards the back of her neck. He lifts her head up from the position it was in, leaning against the side of the boat. Once her
head is successfully moved out of the way of the side of the ship, Killua swiftly uses his left hand to hit the spot right between her shoulder blades.

She stops moving.

"What did you do to her?" I ask, concerned.

Question of the Chapter:What's your favorite character in a book/movie?

Author's Answer: For books, the first character that comes to mind is Day, from the Legend series. (By Marie Lu). He's just such a genuine character and he's cute but badass so I'll have to go with him for now.

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