Chap 32 /Unplanned Trip/

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Chapter 32


"(Y/N)! Change it back to my channel or I'm calling Father!" Seven-year old Matthew whined petulantly.

He struggled for the remote that was now on your grasp, while idly kicking his way to your side with a desperate scream. "I'm serious! Power Rangers starts in five minutes!"

"So does Sailor moon!" You quipped back, playfully sticking your tongue out to tease him. "Why don't you just play with your loser friends? Oh, right. You don't have one..." You giggled from your mean comment and raised the volume on your TV as the opening clips began rolling. "Loner..."

"Shut up!" He quickly scrambled from his seat and swerved a weak punch to your direction. For some reason, a girl like you on such a young age was able to see it coming, thus you were able to doge it rather quickly.

You grabbed his skinny wrist and pushed it behind his back, "Now tell me that Sailor Moon is great and your show suck!"


"Okay, admit that you used Aunt Miriam's lipstick and that you looked fabulous!"

"W-What?! No! H-How did yo-"

At that moment, Gerard, on his early thirties, came striding out of the kitchen with a look of shock etched on his face. "Dear Heavens! It's only Seven-fifteen in the morning, what are you two doing?!"

"Gerard! (Y/N) is bullying me!" Matthew instantly cried out. You rolled your eyes and glanced back at the screen, only realizing that your favorite show was already starting. You pushed Matthew forward, not caring as he flipped over the carpet like a fish stoned on shore, and began watching your show peacefully.

When his choked sobs came to your senses, you immediately felt guilty for what you did. "H-Hey, I didn't mean-"

Horror overwhelmed you when your Father had strode through the scene at that exact second. He halted upon hearing Matthew's evident cries of pain and turned to you with a malicious glare.

You flinched upon hearing him shouting your full name. You snuck one last glimpse from your show before getting up, reluctantly at that.

You couldn't face your Father's wrath and merely stared down on the floor, curling your toes inside your shoes nervously while you waited for his punishment in wide anticipation.

"Come with me." Those three, specific words were his cue, and you couldn't help the tears that were beginning to slide down your cheeks.

You followed him on toe, still tucking your head down. Gerard was able to spare you a sympathetic glance before tending to Matthew's minor injuries.

Your Father led you to his room before gently closing the door. He pressed his hands behind his back, evenly pacing from your side with the usual scowl he only ever meant to give. You saw his harsh words coming, his usual rant, describing how deliciously misbehaved you are for wrestling Matthew for the third time this week.

You quickly blurted out apologies, but it was useless.

In the end, he spanked you five times. The usual punishment ever since you began hating Matthew with a passion. And by the end of the day, you missed your favorite show.

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