
16 4 0

12:30 am

milaaa: lUKE?
milaaa: i'm hapPY
milaaa: luke hemmings liked and retweeted most of my
milaaa: aghhhhhh!
milaaa: luk help!
milaaa: luek
milaaa: like
milaaa: luke
milaaa: oh wait, it's past midnight
milaaa: lololol
milaaa: but still,
milaaa: LUKE!!!¡1!1!!!¡11!1

lucaslol: yeah?

milaaa: read my messages
milaaa: 😍😍

lucaslol: good for you

milaaa: how are you on this fine day?

lucaslol: idk
lucaslol: 'this fine day' started about 40 mins ago

milaaa: oh right lol

lucaslol: i have to go and do something
lucaslol: bye.

milaaa: no lukey!

lucaslol: why?!!1!!?

milaaa: i'm bored

lucaslol: then sleep

milaaa: no.
milaaa: i wanna stay up all night and listen to luke's voice
milaaa: but i can't
milaaa: LUCAS!1!1!!1!!!!!!1!¡1!!
milaaa: don't leave me T^T
milaaa: ugh!
milaaa: this is why i am friendless
milaaa: bye lukey x

read at 12:57 pm

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