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Jacob stoped in surprise thinking, what did I do.. Then sans sang,"Turn around kid it would be a crime, if I to go back on the promise that I made for you. So don't step over that line or else friend your gonna have a bad time." Hearing that made Jacob want to step forward to see what would happen. But he did not and insted said,"sans what did I do to make you hate me?" He answered by signing, " But kids like you are just fools and guys like me aren't easy to be played for fools. Let's go let the room get chiller, lets go dirty brother killer." Jacob finaly got it. Sans is angry I killed hismbrother he knew all along. So Jacob asked @EpicDude332, "Do you want to help me?" He shook his head and said,"Why would I help you. You are going to dye about 132 times before you either quit or we die. But hey who's counting? " After he said that he and sans fussed into,"EpicsansDude". It was the combination of @EpicDude332's handsom human body with sans' skeleton body. (Another time to use your imagination. Imagin Jacob dying alot and EpicsansDude dogging Jacob's attacks by no close calls. Enjoy the song. Link at the end , or search stronger than you sans.) EpicsansDude sang "So go ahead and try and hit me if your able. You've figured now that mercies off the table. I think your realy tired of trying. But I think your just mad you keep dying." Jacob knew he was going to have a bad time so he enjoyed sans' song. Your not gonna win we'll be here forever. Fighting in this judgement hall together. For you can just reset each time I beat you , but I'll always be right back here to meet ya." "I know your made of love love love love love." "This is where it stops. This is where it ends. If you want to get past me them you better try agian, but even if I hear you I won't give up my attack. Don't you just not have feeling of your sans crawling on your back." Jacob wondered why he said sans insted of sins. Then EpicsansDude said," Ha it was all a joke you didn't kill anyone we just had a bunch of robots go and dress up like the people and act like them. And by the way @EpicDude332 was right you did die 132 times. Hope you learned your lesson." Jacob now finally got it. No wonder all the people he killed were so stupid. Maby they aren't that bad as themselves. Jacob went home to celebrate it was a great party. Everyone was there and Jacob was right they were pretty good people. After the party they all lived happily ever after. The End.
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But wait you thought that was the end. Be ready for book 2 in the future.

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