Chapter 6

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All night I sat trying to decipher what Brandon had meant when he said that he wouldn't give up. Wouldn't give on what? Me? Trying to change me? I honestly did not understand where he was going with this.

Unfortunatly I had school the next day and looking like I hadn't slept all night wouldn't help me get any guys turned on. Eventually I drifted off into a slumber filled with dreams of Brandon.

"What the hell have you been doing all weekend? I haven't talked to you at all simce your date with Brandon! How did it go? Was he good in bed?Did you even get him in bed?" I was bombarded with questions from the girls as soon as they saw me pull up to school this morning.

"Busy, fine, yes and of course!" I replied with a hint of anger at the last question. I could get any guy I wanted in bed, I mean look at me.

"Busy with Brandon?" Brittany asked.

"Not exactly" was my short reply. They didn't ask about him for the rest of the day, they could tell that he was a sore subject for me.

School passed quickly and soon I was back in my summer house watching the wavs crashing against the shore. Children screamed and ran into the waves that consumed them and parents laughed as their childrens small heads broke through the surface. In a way I envied them, they didn't have to worry about anything because they had all that they needed. I had a million problems piled on my shoulders with no way to rid myself of them.

"Hey good looking," someone shouted, pulling me out of my trance.

The deep voice came from a tall, dark and completely delicious man walking towards me. My lips pulled into a seductive smile before I could think of what I was doing, I had just spotted my prey to take me away from my problems for a litttle while at least.

"Well, hey to you too. What can I do for you handsome?" I purred.

"I was hoping you could possibly help me with something?" He asked while sliding up beside me and putting a hand on my thigh.

I looked down at his hand and then looked back up at him through my eyelashes. That was a signature move that never got old. I could tell from the hungry look on his face that it worked as planned.

"And what might that be?" I asked as I trailed one finger down his chest until I hooked a finger into his belt loop.

"I...well...what?" He stuttered with wide eyes. Typical.

"Why don't you come inside, clearly this heat is messing up your mind..." my finger was still hooked around his pants and I brought him up with me as I stood. That was the end of our conversation as me stumbled to the bedroom.

   one hour later....

Brandon's POV

"Thanks for helping me babe" some random idiot that got sucked into Emma's charm stumbled out of her house. I don't think tht she even knows his name. 

She walked out on to her porch in a little blue cover dress that came to her mid thigh. She was drop dead sexy and I didn't blame the poor kid for wanting that. Emma was just staring off into face with a blank expression on her face.

I decided to make my move and headed towards her. Once I was within hearing distance I cleared my throat but got no response from her. That kind of hurt, maybe she  just didn't hear me.

"Um Emma?" I asked quietly. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Oh, Brandon... what are you doing here?" she asked when she finally realized that I had been trying to get her attention.

"I just came to..." what had I come here for? 

She just looked at me with an expecting look on her face as she gazed at me.

"To check up on you. I saw that guy earlier. Figured that you would back to your old ways?" I spat bitterly. What the hell??

"What does it matter to you? I never changed in the first place." She replied with a small frown. Okay, that didn't feel good. Apparently I had no affect on her at all.

"What i said yesterday was all true. I'm not gonna stop fighting for you, so when you are off having a fling with someone, think of me and how I'll be here after everytime to see that person that you don't know that name of walk out that door." I let out a big breath after my speech. Where had that come from? Everything I had said was true, but I wasn't going to say that all to her.

"Clealry your going to have to do better then that. I have been doing this for a very long time and changing now would be like living on the sun. Not possible. Sorry to disapoint." With that said, she turned on her heel and walked back into her house.

All she had said was like little needles burrowing their way into my heart. The saying is true, once a player always a player. I am going to change that though. If she wants to play this game then make room for two players.

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