Chapter 3

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~Brandon's POV~

"Look at her run away again. Some things never change." Sherry sneered. Bitch.

I can see why she changed so much about herself, being with them for five minutes and I already felt judged. Although I'm sure that she was just as sexy before she changed, I wished I could see her before. 

"Oh well. So Brandon tell me, what did she pay you to go on a date with her?" Nicholas asked innocently. Okay now I was just starting to get pissed.

"She didn't pay me anything. I went on a date with her because she's gorgeous and, well, a unique person." I growled at him while grabbing my jacket. I didn't know Emma well, but she seemed nice enough. Undeserving of these people anyway. What was their deal with plastic sugery? I was used to it, what with my supermodel mom. Different nose every week!

 As I walked to my car, parked by a dark alleyway, noticed Emma was noone to be found. She must have walked back home! Wow, I'm a fricken terrible date. I felt it start to rain a bit as I hopped in and revved the engine, speeding away towards the beach. I would find her yet. I was still hoping for that nice bed she had offered up earlier.

Emma's POV

"Hey babe"

Insert loud wolf whistle here. Sigh. Guys are so predictable.

"Damn girl you are fine!"

"You can come over here if you want sugar"

I didn't see how anyone though I was a pretty sight at the moment. I guess they were all looking at my from a far and I had my hair curled around to hide my face. Mascara was running down my cheeks and my eyes were red and bloodshot. I was furious! Furious at Sherry for just waltzing in and embarrassing me like that. In front of my future bed buddy! Furious at her for coming back into my life.

After I ran out of there, I realized that we took his car and he probably didnt want to see me again after all those nasty lies that they spat at me. I took my heels off as I made the shameful journey home. I couldn't even bear to tell the tale of the night to my girls. They didn't know about my past, ah, I was a completely new person so nobody knew. Except Brandon of course.

I decided to walk on the beach back to the house rather then the cold cement. The soft waves soothed me and the warm sand buried my feet. I wiggled my toes and let out a loud sigh.

"Hey" came a voice that scared the crap out of me. I let out a shriek and whipped around and fell straight into Brandon's waiting arms.

I felt his arms tghten around me. "Why did you run?" Oh my, did he feel good. Why did he come back?

"Nothing they said was true! " I blurted and covered my mouth with my hand with wide eyes. Smooth.

"I know. That's why I'm so confused as to why you ran out" he explained with a small smile. I felt my heart pang in my chest. Love? Is this what love feels like?

"You...You don't believe them? 'Cause I don't. Have AIDS that is. But.. I did do the sugery." Shit. Why was I addmitting this to him.

"Do I look like I care about a little change in apperance? Your secret is safe with me." He winked slowly, seductivly. "As for you not having an STD? Well, I was counting on that."

Next thing I knew, we were making passionate love. Once on the sand. Twice in the water. Three times in my beach house (Thank god my buddies had known to leave). Four, Five, Six.

I fell asleep in his arms. "You'll still be here when I wake up, won't you?" I had murmered in a soft, trusting voice before I'd drifted off. I never did hear an answer though.

When I woke up in the morning, he was gone. Just like the rest of them, he had left. He was no different.  And I'd thought it was love? Stupid player.

Tears flowed down my cheeks way harder than they ever had for a boy before. 


 ^Johnsonstarz chappie here! ending and edited by Kellylovesseals :) Did you enjoy? COMMENT! VOTE! THANKSS YOU ALL <3333

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