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'Raen! Raen! Raen! Raen! Rae-'

Was that Alex...?


"It's Raen's phone. She let the guys record their own ringtones yesterday."


Why did I do that, again?

'Raen, wake uuuuuuppppppp, or I'll jump on youuuuuuu!'

...I hate Matthew.

"Kill it."

"It's your phone, sweetie."

"Kill. It."

"If I do that, you'll get mad at me. It's time to wake up, anyway. You were saying you had to meet up with your team today?"

"...Yeah. What time is it?"

'Raen, if I end up calling you that means Matt and Alex have tried and failed. Please wake up, while you're away they're wreaking havoc on me.'


Sorry, Eli.

"It's 9:36. In the morning, just in case you're confused."


"I've got three hours, twenty two minutes 'til I have to see them."

'Hey Raen, wake up, we've gotta goooo!'

I swear to God, Mark. You too?

'Get off the damn bed.'


'Raen! Raen! Raen! Rae-'

"What." I answered, realizing they would just keep calling me in the same order over and over again.

'Raen! You're awake! Hurry up, we're already here!' Matt said, and I blinked.

"...We agreed to meet up at one. I've got over three hours." I said, and he sighed, sounding amused.

"We're gonna be practicing for League at one. We're hanging out until then!" he exclaimed, and I blinked again.

"...Goodbye, Matthew. See you at one."


"I'm not spending three hours with all of you in one place. I'll get claustrophobic and never regain the courage to 'hang out' with you in the same place ever again."

"It's the mall!"

"That makes it worse."

"Yeah, yeah. Grouch. Just hurry up, or we'll come get you!" and he hung up.

Sadly, I know he isn't kidding. He'd come get me.

"Carter, your friends are evil." I said as I shoved my feet into the mismatched bunny slippers next to my bed. He shrugged from his position against my door, straightening up to pull his feet in to let Mum pass.

"Their your friends more than mine. Matt's the only one I know."

"I know them because of Matt. Your crap has infiltrated my life."

I was ready to start rolling on the floor and bask in my sorrow.

"Your game messed with your life."

That's just mean.

"There's no actual interaction in my game."

"Wonderful way of encouraging young minds such as yourself to go outside and play. That's stupid."

I Am You, You Are Me [League of Legends]Where stories live. Discover now