the breakup

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      "Mac can we go out tonight" Jack whispers in class? "Sure I say to him, but where are we going I have to be home at 8:00 tonight for a photo shoot at my house with my family" I whisper back? " Oh " he says than just meet me at my locker at 3:15. it was 3:00 when he had said this. "ok I say back to him this time louder, and the whole class heard it they all thought I was saying that from the lesson like I was understanding the lesson. " I was waiting for the last 15 minutes till the class was over so I could go talk to jack." " I wonder what he wants anyway?"

"Mac" he shouted as I was running down the hallway. " What?" I say to him. "You may not be ready to hear this but do you thing this relationship is going very well?" "Yes I say back to him why do you ask?" "Well  I do not think it is going that well maybe we are not right for each other" he says. "Get to the point I tell him" " I think we need to break up he says to me." " What the hell Jack I say to him I LOVE YOU! You can not be serious why we went on 13 dates kissed 9 times and were  together for a year and three months." 

     " I ran home and went strait to my room." "Good thing my mom and dad were not home but my older sister Kate was she saw I was crying and followed me up the stairs into my room to see what was wrong." "What is wrong little sis?" she joked. "This is not a joke" I say. " Ok what is wrong " now she was concerned. " Jack broke up with me I told her." " Oh " she said that is a hard time. I have gone through that many times you will be ok there will be more men and better men too" she said. "But I love him I told her."

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