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  "So now that I know what I am going to do to try to get ahold of him " I say. "but how will he take it I do not think he likes me, well it is worth a try" I think to myself. " I try to text him" "shit he blocked me I will call his home his mom will make him talk even if he says no" RING RING RING. "So now know one will answer" I say. "Did he do something"?         

 'I get a call the next day from jacks mom she was explaining why I was  not getting ahold of Jack or her" "I was really surprised when I found out what really happened". "Turns out Jack is in jail for robbing a house". "Wow" I say. "they will not let me bail him out " Suzie (his mom) tells me. "Could you maybe bail him out I will pay for it I just need him out "Suzie says. "Ok I say I will bail him out only if he lets me talk to him first then he will be out of jail I hope for ever". I say "Just to worn you mac they do ask a lot of questions they will ask you how are you related, I told Jack you will say you are his boyfriend is that ok with you" Suzie says.  "Ok". I say "I will go now"

 "OH MY GOD MAC YOU ARE HERE" Jack said. "Yep" I say. "So are you going to bail me out" Jack says? "Hold up Jack we need to talk first" I say. "Ok" he says". "What happened back at school Friday" I say? " I was talking to someone else" he says. "You were cheating on me then" I say. "No baby" he says. "I promise we can go on a date tomorrow for your birthday" he says. "Baby how sweet I can do that" I say. "We can soooo do that" I say.

 "Next thing I know my love is back together with me I love him so much" I say.

 "I still want to ask him who he did rob and I will tell him I would not have bailed him out but I love him so I did" I say to my mom

  "I really hope this does work out though" I say to Jack "I really do love you how could I not your sexy, kind, sweet, and loving that is what I have been looking for in a guy and you are the only one I've found like that so lets make this work I love you" I say to Jack again.

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