14/1st date

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 "Wow today is the day of the date it is out 14 but at the same time 1st date that is really exiting my mom does not think that I should be dating him because he was in jail but I love him so much" I think to myself the day of the date.

  "HAPPY  BIRTHDAY" , everyone calls upstairs to me. "THANK YOU" I call back down

 "Well the date is at 6:00 P.M. it is 10:00 A.M. so I have 8 hours to get ready, so I have to get my clothes, buy my new makeup, then put on my new makeup, and put on my new clothes, so yeah it's going to take awhile I only have 8 hours to do all that I don't even know where we're going.

"Ring ring the phone is ringing Jack is calling he called to tell me where we are going we are going to a very fancy restaurant and then we're going to his house and we're going to do what he wants and play stupid video games" I say.

"Well now that you know more than I know how much time it's really going to take me I guess I'm going to have to have two outfits one that's going to be a cute dress for the fancy restaurant and then I have to where flowy clothes because we're going to be in his basement and I don't see how videogames are a date but I guess that's what we're doing" I say.

  "Well now it does 5 o'clock and I finally have my makeup done, and now I have to put on my clothes and do my hair, and then I am probably going to have to wait because everybody knows those are usually late let's go put on my clothes now cuz I'm putting on my dancing purple dress, and then I have to do my hair and putting it in a really cute braided bun I hope he likes that and then I am bringing along just a extra ponytails I'm going to just put in a bone and I'm going to change into some jeans and a cute top it's comfortable but I don't want to wear ugly clothes because it is still a date.

"O.m.g. its 6 o'clock and he's here he's on time and I'm really excited because we're going to Bella Cucina the fanciest restaurant in the city and he's taking me there that place is so expensive and he's paying I don't know how he's doing this he is the best boyfriend anyone could have I don't get it he is so sweet, and loving, I don't get how you could ever think that he broke up with me because if you did that I would be so mad even though I already was and now that I figured out what really happened I have no reason to be mad at him I mean he's so nice I still don't get how he actually got in jail though.

" I really hope this turns out because he's like the best person in this whole world that I could ever meet but but wait what oh my God this car is here I get to go with him now and my mom is really mad she was crying because she doesn't want me with him well I still love him even if your mom doesn't I don't even care because he's the best of man anyone could ever have and if you ever hurt somebody like that I just don't know I'm 20 today and it says make it he said it could be but he says he thinks he's going to be something else so like this is the best birthday anyone could ever have I'm back with my favorite man and he's taking me to Bella Cucina like how could ever happen to just a girl like me, so let's make this straight he still loves me I'm going on a date with Tim to Bella Cucina and this is going to be the best night of my life with the best man in the world and oh this is going to be the best night of my life.

" OMG for this place is packed even got reservations for us we are like the best couple in the world and he's treating me like I'm a queen and I just don't get it why is being so nice to me he was in jail and I bailed him out and I was mad at him and why is this happening oh my God like seriously this is the best man ever and he just took me back I really do think he broke up with me but I do not think that he still hated me so I think he likes me now and I am really really happy like so and I just feel like I'm a queen right now he's treating me like I'm the only girl in the world who's ever loved maybe I am but still I need to treat him like that too because he so it's so awesome and I don't know how to explain the feeling right now because he's the best man in this world and I just like I don't know like him so much and I don't even have words for how much I love him he's so good.

" well now we're at his house and that Bella Cucina was awesome and I don't see how he managed paper that we hardly got anything and it was over $200 and she's like I want to do this every single week with you I don't think I know but I think he's rich I still don't get how he managed to get into jail like that oh wait he's probably just trying to add to the stockpile oh my God I see a bag that has a gift wrapped in a bow he walks over there jet set hand it to me and I am like freaking out what is this so small yet so big in my heart I'm so happy right now I just want to open this I honestly don't think playing video games it's going to happen tonight.

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