The Reckoning

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Sorry its been forever. Been working on my other stories. It sucks having to type using my phone too. That's why I upload slow, but here is the first chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

I called Tyler when I was only a few minutes away from Mystic Falls.

"Hey Tyler."

"Malia! Where are you?"

"I'm a few minutes from Mystic Falls."

"Were at the school, meet us here."


I hung up and made it into Mystic Falls, a few minutes later. I drove to the school and got out of my Jeep. I put my keys and phone into my pockets. I started walking into the school when I heard a howl from inside. Tyler! I roared and took off, I ran into the gym, shifted. I looked around and saw Elena, Bonnie, Matt, some dude and girl, and Tyler on the ground.

"Malia," everyone said. I shifted back to my human side. "What happened?" I asked someone as I walked over to Tyler.

"Klaus turned Tyler into a hybrid but they keep on dying." Elena said.

"Okay." I said.

"And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold onto Elena and Malia for safe-keeping." Klaus said and grabbed Elena. She makes a sign and Bonnie leaves with Matt. I looked at Klaus and he looks at me, I feel my eyes turn blue and his turned yellow and had black veins under his eyes.

"Mate," we say together. Our eyes went back to normal and I walked closer to him. I breathed in his scent of blood and woods.

"So this is the latest doppelganger. The original one was much prettier." The blonde girl said.

"Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere would you?"

Rebekah drags Tyler behind her by his arm and leaves. Klaus looks at me and Elena.

"Just ignore her. Petty little thing."

I sit down on the bleachers and Klaus follows. "What are you, love?" Klaus asks me.

"I'm a were coyote, and your the hybrid." I say and look at him. He nods and smiles at me.

Stefan walks in and I block out all the talking and played with my claws making them go in and out. I smelt blood and looked up to see Rebekah biting Elena. I rush over there and ripe Rebekah off of her. I stand in front of Elena, shifted and I growled at Rebekah.

"Love," I looked at Klaus and he was by the door and the gym clock was going off. I shifted back walked over to him.

"Stay with Elena," I nod. Klaus leaves the gym and the clocks ticking down.

"Elena run go," I tell her and run with her, somehow we got split up. I stopped running, so I could listen.

"We got to stop meeting like this." I heard Klaus say.

I ran into the cafeteria and saw Stefan against the wall with Klaus in front if him. Stefan had a blank look on his face and Klaus moved away from him.

"What did you do?" Elena ask.

"I fixed him, but a test is in order, don't you think." Klaus moved to Elena and pushed her hair away from her neck. "Ripper, perhaps you'd like a drink from the doppelgangers neck."

Stefan's face changed and he rushed over to Elena, biting her. She screamed. I rush over there to help her but Klaus rushes to me and hold me against him.

"Sorry love." I hear and everything goes dark.

When I come to, I realise that I'm in the passenger seat of a truck. "Ow." I say rubbing my head.

"How you feeling love?" I heard Klaus say and looked at him.

"Where are we at? Where's Elena?"

"Elena's at the hospital and we are in Portland. Home of the werewolves." He says and points to a sigh.

Welcome to Portland

"Great," I say sarcastically looking out the window.

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