Chapter 37

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            Immediately the people surrounding Valerie closed ranks, their hands dropping to their weapons as they faced the clumps of soldiers standing awkwardly around the camp. Amorrt stepped forward, eyes holding the woman’s. “You have no right to order her arrest, Izarra.”

            “Shut your mouth, exile,” she hissed. “That woman is the reason for this war.”

            That got a spark of anger burning in Valerie. “Don’t talk to Amorrt like that! His exile was to be revoked but then the war happened. And he’s brought help, despite the way he’s been treated. And who are you to order soldiers about?”

            For a second the woman’s mouth dropped open. Then her face went crimson as her eyes contracted into a glare and she stepped forward, her hands balled into fists. “I am Her Most Royal Highness, Princess of Izarra, Duchess of Crownhaven. You will address me with proper respect, you jumped up peasant!”

            Val blinked a couple of times. “So you’re Darren’s sister then? I’d thought you were in the palace with the others.”

            Izarra sneered. “You would have liked me being as trapped as the rest. Do not think me unaware of your attempts to make yourself queen. You will do as I tell you, no matter the order. I will lead the army.”

            She frowned as she fought to keep her temper down. Having it out with Darren’s sister in front of the whole army didn’t seem like a very good idea. “I’m not under your command so I don’t have to follow your orders. What kind of military training do you have?”

            Amorrt smirked. “She has none. My cousin has long disliked any activity that would cause her hair or clothes to become disarrayed.”

            “I will have you locked away as well, exile. My blood gives me the right to lead this rabble and I will not allow you to take this away from me,” she cried, stalking over to them.

            “I have been leading the scouts since my arrival. I am needed. Besides, you forget, cousin, that I am the direct descendent of the royal line, you are not. And Lady Ruby is Darren’s princess, making her crown princess and thus, she outranks you as well. You have no right to lead this army.”

            “What?” Izarra screeched, taking another step towards the prince.

            Valerie winced and stepped in between them, holding up her hands, ignoring Isaac’s snickers. “Okay, okay. We’re not having a who’s the most royal contest right now. We have a war to fight so let’s try and get along, okay? Now, Izarra, I’m sorry but with no military training I don’t think you’re the best choice to be in charge. I think we should have a group of leaders make the decisions together and I think your insights there would be useful.”

            Izarra glared up at her, brown eyes cold and hard. “You have no authority to give me orders. I will see you handed to the godmother myself.”

            She froze then matched the gaze, her own eyes practically smoking. “If that would have ended the war I would have given myself up already. The alliance is concerned with getting more land, not with the crazy godmother. Now, I’m going to give you a choice. You can stay here and join the other leaders in leading this army, which if you look down on one more time I will hurt you. You can head somewhere safe until the war is over, in which case I’m sure we can get an escort for you. Or, you can continue to make a nuisance of yourself which will force me to have you locked up somewhere for your own good. Now, what’ll it be?”

            Face a snarling mask, Izarra’s hand connected solidly with Valerie’s cheek, the sharp sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing in the sudden silence. Val reached up to touch the sudden warm, red mark on her face, feeling her cheek twinge in pain. She touched her tongue to her bottom lip, tasting the harsh metallic flavour of blood. She pulled her head back up so she could face the still glaring princess properly. “I see. Option three it is,” she said softly, her blazing eyes a sharp contrast to her gentle tone. Louder, she called “Do I have any volunteers to escort her highness somewhere safe?”

            For a long moment no one moved from the positions they’d frozen into after Izarra’s slap. Then a bit of movement from the crowd that had gathered from the camp during Amorrt and Izarra’s  argument caught Val’s eye. A young man in chainmail and a puffy sleeved orange tunic came forward and bowed to her.

            “My lady,” he said. “We had long agreed to serve whoever freed us from our enchantments. I was happy to follow you, my lady, but since our arrival I have discovered that my homeland is among those who threaten your country. I have felt conflicted and would appreciate being allowed to escort and guard her highness.”

            She smiled at him, wincing slightly as her lip protested. “I’d feel worse if you had to fight against your friends and family. Thank you for agreeing to take her.”

            Izarra finally managed to break past her shock and shrieked “I am not leaving! You have no right and no authority here.”

            “Hey cousin,” Amorrt said, stepping around Valerie.

            The princess turned to look, her face set into hard, angry lines. Amorrt smiled as he threw a tiny bag at her face. Sparkling dust exploded around her and a second later she dropped to the ground. He carefully dusted his hands before looking at Val, who was staring, her mouth open.

            “I never liked her,” he said with a shrug.

            “How much of that stuff do you have?” she asked, hands dropping to her hips and her lips pulling down into a frown.

            “As much as I need. I took magic lessons from a witch until my godmother caught me. I cannot do much, but I do know how to put people to sleep,” he said.

            She shook her head. “Remind me not to cross you.”

            He actually grinned. “Now, where will you send her?”

            She turned to the knight who was looking at both of them, obviously uncomfortable with what had just happened. “If you head south, near the border to Ifely and not far from Oakstead is a tower. I think you’ll both find it comfortable.”

            That startled a laugh out of Amorrt. “That is rather appropriate. Here, I can give you more precise directions.”

            “Alright then, besides her,” Val said, jerking her head in Izarra’s direction. “Who’s in charge here?”

            Her only response was stares.

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