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I loved, and I loved, and I lost you. And it hurts like Hell.- Fleurie

"Hey where did Katniss go?" I look around.

"Don't sweat your balls. She's probably taking piss somewhere. Go Fish!" Johanna says while looking at her cards.

"Besides where could she have gone? Go fish!" Annie looks at her cards also.

"She's probably playing one of her pranks! And you guys all suck at this game, I quit!" Finnick gets up and goes to look in the fridge, and returns with a case of beer.

"Really Finn? We are only 16!" Annie shouts at her boyfriend.

"I'm gonna try and drink this whole case in under five minutes!" Finn says, and then Johanna goes to the fridge to join him.

"Well while you guys go off and act stupid, I'm going to go look for Katniss!" I then get up and just when I'm about to open the door to outside, Katniss pops out behind the couch.

"Boo!" She yells while giggling at the same time.

"I told you she was pranking you!" Johanna yells from inside.

"Kitty you scared me half to death! No literally, I had no clue where you were!" I hug her.

"You need to stop worrying I'm fine!" She giggles and then wipes off her PJs, "See? As good as new!"

"Let's just get back to the others, okay?" I take a step closer to her.

"Okay." She smiles and then accepts my peck on the lips.

We then walk into the room filled with our friends. We are a small group, but certainly the most popular in the school. Katniss basically runs the school. Everyone wants to either kiss her, kill her, or be her.

The rest of the night goes well. We laugh, gossip, and play games. Outside is a wreck. Every two minutes thunder rumbles and lightening strikes. Forget to mention the rain outside.

When it's time to sleep, around midnight, Katniss cuddles next to me.
Annie and Finnick sleep next to eachother. And Johanna, well being Johanna, insists on sleeping on the largest bed, all by herself.

"I love you Peeta." Katniss whispers in my ear.

"I love you too Katniss." I reply.

"Always?" She looks me in the eye.

"Always. Now get some sleep." I kiss her on the forehead and hug her.

The next morning, I wake up with a pillow in my arms instead of Katniss. I search the whole house for her, and she's no where to be seen.

"Probably hiding again." This is what everyone says while I search the hole freaking house for her.

Yes, Katniss does pull a lot of pranks, but to sneak out in the middle of the night? To leave me? That's just not like her, something is up.

Days pass, and still, there is no Katniss.
Where can she be? Her parents have finally called the police yesterday, and a search party has been sent out for her.

Days turn into weeks, and then weeks turn into months. Still, Katniss has not shown up. I barely eat, and you can even forget about sleep. That night was the last time I saw Katniss, and now it is going to be one year since she disappeared. I haven't talked to Annie, Finnick, or Johanna since that night either. I just feel so alone.

Katniss, where are you? Please. Come back to me.


Word Count:568
A/N:Sorry that this part is so short!

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