Chapter 1: The Note

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And it's just my soul responding.
-Amber Run


It was a warm Monday morning, but today I decided to skip school. I couldn't face it knowing that one year ago today, I was waking up to find out that Katniss had gone missing. The Everdeen's are moving out of town, and now a new family was going to move into their house.

I am supposed to go into their house later on today and help them clean out all of their stuff, but I don't know how I'm going manage going into her room.
There's always the idea of skipping, but it is my missing girlfriend's family. Who knows, maybe she'll be there, waiting on the steps for me, but that's not gonna happen.

Of course I want Katniss to be alive, but even if she was, where could she have been all this time? How could she sit there and watch us suffer without her? Everyone has pretty much moved on except for me, I am in the same place I was a year ago from today, a wreck.

Annie and Finnick are still together, I envy them. Why couldn't I have kept the love of my life? Johanna is now the star of the girls lacrosse team, and basically can have any friend she wants. I however, went from a straight A student, to a straight D- student, also I have absolutely no friends, what's the point?

I finally drag myself out of bed, and force feed Lucky Charms into my mouth. I get dressed in green, Katniss' favorite color. What? I couldn't help myself.

When I walk outside, I see a patch of dandelions. Those were Katniss' favorite flower. I think to myself. I remember then I first time Katniss mentioned that to me:

"Why would that be your favorite flower? It's just a weed." I told her.

"Yes, but even before it blossoms, it's beautiful. You see, you blow on it and make a wish! Then it comes true! And then later, this little 'weed' becomes a beautiful little flower!" She exclaims

"So you make a wish and then it comes true huh?" I say.

"Yep, try it out." She smiles.

I picked up the dandelion and said, "I wish, with all my heart, for Katniss Everdeen to become my girlfriend." I then blew on it.

"Well it looks like your wish came true." She grins, and then leans in to kiss me.

That was the day we first started dating, and now whenever I pass dandelions I think of her. I didn't realize it, but I'm crying. Tears now pour down my face, into the dandelion patch. I then wipe my face and continue to the Everdeen house.

As soon as I go on their block, the Everdeen household is the first house I see. It's not very hard to miss, it's the biggest house on the block. It's a white 3 story house with pillars lining the front. If I didn't say so myself, it looked like a miniature version of The White House.

I'm brought back into reality when I feel a tap on my shoulder, Finnick Odair.

"Well, you look like shit." Finnick smirks. A typical Finnick move. I think to myself.

"Thanks." I roll my eyes and walk away.

"Peeta, you know I was kidding. What's gotten into you?" He raises his eyebrows.

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