Round Thirty-Five

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1.) Would You Rather...
-Have to be in Christine's shoes before she sang in Don Juan

-Have to be in Christine's shoes before she sang in Don Juan

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-Have to be in Christine's shoes before she sang "Love Never Dies"

-Have to be in Christine's shoes before she sang "Love Never Dies"

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Hmm. Probably LND because she... Well. I guess there isn't much of a difference. I don't know. You guys decide.

2.) Would You Rather...
-Meg from Phantom of the Opera

-Meg from Phantom of the Opera

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-Meg from Love Never Dies

-Meg from Love Never Dies

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3.) Would You Rather...
-Watch 'School of Rock'

-Watch 'School of Rock'

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-Watch 'Phantom of the Opera'

-Watch 'Phantom of the Opera'

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4.) Would You Rather...
-Have Madam Giry's outfit in Phantom of the Opera

-Have Madam Giry's outfit in Phantom of the Opera

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-Have Madam Giry's outfit in Love Never Dies XD

 -Have Madam Giry's outfit in Love Never Dies XD

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XD probably LND. No. Phantom. Wait no.

5.) Would You Rather...
-Have anything special you want me to do for my return

Annnnnnnd. I'm back! Now I'm accepting any questions on 'Ask ErikPhantom' again and I will be posting regularly. On questions 5, just put anything you guys would like me to do since I'm back. It would mean the world to me thanks! -ErikPhantom/[^}_^]

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