Round Thirty-Nine

167 13 67

Before we start, I wanted to let you know two things. One, I apologize so much for not posting. And two, this is a competition! It will get shorter depending on votes. Okay enjoy!

1.) Would You Rather...
-Read a genderbend Phantom fanfic
-Read a Erik X Reader fanfic

2.) Would You Rather...
-Read a Before the Opera House fanfic
-Read a Ten year after the Opera House fanfic

3.) Would You Rather...
-Read a random LND fanfic (description help if wins)
-Read a random POTO fanfic (description needed if wins)

4.) Would You Rather...
-Read a If Christine Stayed with Erik fanfic
-Read a If Erik didn't leave Christine fanfic

5.) Would You Rather...
-Care if one wins
-I could care less

Okay so please vote! I will check on Monday (when school starts). And yeah. Thank you all so much! -ErikPhantom/[^}_^]

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