Round Forty-Eight

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1.) Would You Rather...

-Be a news person taking photos as the boat from France docks at New York and meet a lot of rich and cool people


-Be one of those famous people on the boat and get a lot of pictures taken of you

2.) Would You Rather...

-Go to New York (Coney Island Baby)


-France (Opera Populaire And the catacombs :) )

(Yes, I'm aware this is like last question)

3.) Would You Rather...

-Listen to the Mean Girls Soundtrack


-Listen to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack

4.) Would You Rather...

-Get a monkey in Persian robes playing the cymbals


-Get a poster from the Populaire's production of Hannibal

5.) Would You Rather...

-Own that peacock dress that Christine wears while she blares "Love Never Dies"


-Own the cool dress she comes off the boat in


I know I barley post anymore, but I swear it's because of my writer's block. I'm also sorry that a lot of these were New York/LND related. I just got to go to New York, so I was just in the mood. Happy late birthday to me btw it was on October 13th :)

Thanks for all the love!


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