Chapter One.

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Her eyes gave off a red glow, her hair, a pale pink. She had scars across her face, her arms, and legs. Her signs of torture. Before they turned her into a killing machine, they tortured her, Forever causing a stutter. After they had covered her in scars, they turned her into a shadow knight.

She stood in military formation, hands clasped behind her back, standing tall and facing forward.
Stood before her was Zenix, and Zane. Zane was supposed to be dead, But he wasn't. Zenix looks at her, eyeing her, seeming to dissect her for a moment. After that seemingly long moment he said, "You have an assignment. You will be sent to Phoenix Drop to be a spy. Gather information so we can start with them for our.. plan."

Aphmau nodded. Zane started to say after Zenix was finished "You will use the name Cynthia. You come from O'khasis, former gaurd who fled when Tu'la invaded."

She quickly said in a stutter, "Y-yes sir."

They gave her a bag, full of some clothing, and O'Khasis armor, much like hers now, only, not the red and black, but silver and black, some potions to temporarily change her eye color, and some other clothing.

She was led to the portal, and she jumped in, as shs was taken to the overworld, the traveling sent a shiver up her spine.

She came out of the portal not far from Phoenix Drop, before anything she drank one of the potions, turning her eyes blue, and put on the armor. She mentally prepared herself and started to walk to the village.

Thats it for now, that was the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed!


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