+Chapter 3+Alone Together+

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{Not Edited}

+Delilah’s Point of View+

                My feet was getting tired and I was running every since I left the field. I didn’t know if I was heading west anymore because I kept running pass thousands of these dead trees and every once in awhile I saw a wondering ghost but I didn’t talk to anyone like Gaap told me. I do not even know why I was listening to anything he told me, though. I still had my human smarts but I do not think it would matter down here because everything was so different and I already hated it.

    I stop running, clasp on to a near tree, and took a deep breath. I hear giggling near me and I turn my head towards the noise. I was surprised to see a little girl who probably was only six with dark brown pigtails and bright blue eyes. “Are you lost?” I ask the girl who was hiding behind a near tree. “I won’t harm you.” I gesture for her to, ‘come here’, and slowly walk towards her offering my hand.

The little girl shakes her head and she giggles before she takes off running. “No, come back,” I call out and I rush after her. How can a little girl like this one be in hell because that is mortally cruel? I focus my attention on the little girl but she seems to be miles away from me and the farther I ran I realize she was leading me away from the west direction. “Wait!” I call out and I collapse down on to my knees trying to catch my breath.

 I look around my surroundings to see that it was darker and I was near a large gray mountain that curved around the pointed dead trees.  I had to arch my head up to see that the mountain was not alone it was many of them, all chained together with sharp mountain tops.

I stumble to my feet and my legs ache as I look around for the little girl but she was long gone. I frown and rub my neck as I look around for the girl and in the distance where I heard a faint scream. My eyes widen. “Little girl!” I cry out and I try my best to find my way where I heard the scream. I circle around the mountain and I stop when I came upon a steep pathway that lead up to the mountain way.

 “Help!” someone calls out and I took off up the pathway and I came to a dead end. It was like a small dug-in area in the mountain and thick grass vines wrap around the area like snakes. A small whimper escapes my mouth when I felt someone grasp my shoulder. I spun around and an eerily figure was floating in front of me. I stumble backwards and clasp my beating heart.

The figure was tall and deformed in a human stance. It was transparent with a dark glow surrounding it. I try to find the face of the figure but it did not have one.  The figure begins to gravitate towards me lifting up a long pointed hand that was black as night. I coward backwards and I was stuck when I slump against the back of the dug-in wall. I look at the figure and I did not know if it was harmless or not but I did not want to find out.

A giggle escapes the figure and I watch it with my own eyes as it morphs into the little girl I saw before. “You fall for it,” the little girl says but her voice was not human it was raspy and aged.

  “What are you?” I ask but my own voice was lace with fear and I hated to feel so weak and useless.  “Don’t kill me!”

 The little girl laughs. “Kill you?” she asks. “Useless soul, you are already dead. Only reason you are still barely in your moral body is because you recently died but when you lose your mortal memories then you will be like the other useless souls merely a…ghost or worst a demon.”

A ghost or a demon

“Show yourself!” I snap knowing well that this hell creature was not a human little girl.

The creature stop laughing and her body begins to gravitate and the little girl feet begin to float above the ground.  I watch in horror as her face grows narrower and her eyes go smaller. Then her body begins to morph into an elegant woman.  I take in her narrow cheekbones and round lips and I look at her glowing black eyes that cover her whole eyeballs. It was terrifying by how beautiful she was but I could just feel the evil resituating off her. “What—are you?” I ask again.

“Belia, an infamous demon for lies and deception, I believe what you mortals have built your stories on for centuries about me,” she says with a sensual voice. “Now, fall down,” she states in a well-guarded tone.

I felt my legs wobble and I collapse down. I brace my hands out to catch my fall as my hair caress around me like a halo. I try to stand up again but I could not even stand. “No,” I whimper.

 “I barely have to look in your eyes to see your soul. You killed yourself and was set to Raulca region where your soul is suppose to be destroyed but I will avenge for you,” she says as a sly smile spreads across her pale lips. I flicker my gaze away from her face and eyed her pale skin that was clad in a lacy-red ball gown.  I exhale when she leans down and grasp my chin, her sharp fingernails cut into my cheek. “I think my pet needs a little gift and you will fit in well.” She sets as her eyes search my own it felt as if was taking away my strength.

It did not take any time for me to feel lightheaded and I felt my eyelids get heavy. ‘No, don’t give out me,’ I thought before I lost all focus.


Quick Note:

The next chapter will be longer and more interesting. Also sorry if your receiving too much information but is necessary for the story but thank you all for reading.


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