+Chapter 4+Seduction+

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Delilah’s Darkness Chapter 4

{Not Edited}

+Delilah Point of View+

                I felt groggily when I woke up and I felt very uncomfortable as my eyes flutter open to see nothing but darkness. I clench my eyes close as I try to rethink my thoughts and gather everything that happened to me.



A male named Gaap.

A woman named Belia.

My eyes snap open, I remember everything that happens to me, and I wish that I did not remember anything at all. “What is happening?” I ask myself and I sit up to realize that I was sleeping on a cold steel floor. I rub my forehead and I cringe when bright light opens from across the dark room I was in. I caught a silhouette from the light and I gasp as my surroundings change to a gorgeous garden. “What?” I question aloud. I swear I was in a darkroom moments ago but how was I am in this garden?

The cause of that must had been Belia because she was walking towards me with a large smile on her face. “I see sleeping beauty has woken up,” she mocks me and I watch her comb her fingers through thick black hair. “Also to let you know I’ am also an illusionist,” she says as she stands over me. “I will take you to my pet after I give you some information.”

     I bow my head because her look was getting a little bit intimidating. “What pet and what information?” I ask.

“You have no respect but I will let my pet break you in due time. Anyways I am sparing your soul for the time being so you can be my pet company. Besides he might devour your soul if you tempt him.”

I did not understand what this crazy woman was mentioning. “I don’t—understand.”

She laughs, mocking me none less. “I’m sparing you from getting your soul tortured for an eternal hell but I need you to keep my Erebus company for the time being. Deal, Delilah?”

My eyes widen because I cannot remember telling her my name. I do not recall even speaking to her about anything. “Who is this Erebus?” I ask her and I ask again. “How do you know my name?”

She claps her hands as her gaze felt terrifying as she looks at me without blinking. “You will meet Erebus soon and it was simple to know your name because I just read your soul.”

I frown as I try to look at her but it felt as if some force was making me bow my head. Maybe this Erebus was some kind of real pet but I had a feeling I was wrong. “This is you sparing—me?”

        “Of course and I think our conversation is over for now,” she says and I felt the hold me disappear so I was able to stumble on to my feet.  I was shock to watch the garden die around us slowly. The flowers begin to wither and fall and the grass turns into dirt. “Ain’t it beautiful how nature dies,” she asks me before her attention flicker my way. 

“Follow,” she snaps and she led us through the dead garden. I fall instep behind her and I look up at the red sky and look around at the empty land area until we enter a darker cave opening. I clench my hands together as we walk into the cave darkness. The cave opens up to a field and many more cave openings. Therefore, we must still be in the mountains area.  She enters one of the cave openings that were big enough for others to come in but it was darker and damp. I accidently bump into Belia causing her to grab my arm and drag me along the dark cave areas.

  I frown when we came to a stop at one of the large bounders that block a new cave entrance. “Why did you stop?” I ask Belia as she drops my arm.

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