Chapter 3

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Riley's pov
I got to the bottom of the stairs and pushed Grayson down to the floor and started beating him up. "Stop!" He yelled. "Not until you say sorry" i said back. "Ok ok im sorry, ill make you breakfast" he said. "Ok deal" i said before getting off if him. After breakfast me and the guys got dressed and headed over to there house. It was about a 5 minute walk, I didn't realize how close they lived to me. We walked into the house and me and Gray sat on the couch and Ethan ran into his room and grabbed his laptop. "So what are we doing today?" Grayson asked me. "Um i dont know really, whatever you guys wanna do is fine" i said pushing my hair back out of my face. "Wanna go to the outlets?" He asked. "Ya but how are we gonna get there, my car is still at the shop". I said leaning up against the couch. "Ethan has a car" he said smiling. "Oh I didn't know, you don't have one?" I asked. "I do but i dont wanna drive either" he laughed. Ethan cane back into the living room and we told him the plan for today. He grabbed his keys and we left. We had to go back to my house to get ready because were all in pajamas still. We walked out side and Ethan opened to garage, he walked in and me and Gray sat on the steps and waited. He pulled out of the garage in his matte white Range Rover and we all got in. I was gonna sit in the back but Grayson insisted i sat up front with Ethan. About 2 minutes later we pulled up to my house and went in to get ready. We all ran up to my room and started to get ready. Grayson jumped in my shower and Ethan went in the one across the hall and i went in my mom and dads, it was just faster this way. I walked in the bathroom and turned on my moms shower speaker and played some music. I got in the shower and washed my hair and body, then i just sat in the water and thought. Ethan is really cute, but does he like me or he just likes the way i look. I really liked the boys, we just met but it fells like we've known each other forever. I got out the shower and rapped the towel around me, grabbed my phone and then went back to my room. I walked in my room and saw Grayson pulling his jeans up. "Good look" i said laughing. "Same to you" he joked. "Shut up" i said walking over to my dresser. I gabbed a pair or underwear and a bra and slipped it on while i had my towel on. I hung the towel up on the door and then went to my closet and started looking for a outfit. Seconds later Ethan walked in just wearing his boxers. "So do you like walking around half naked all the time or is it just cause im here?" He laughed. "No this is normal, and speak for yourself you only have on underwear" i laughed. "Good point" he said walking over to his a Grayson's closet. I continued looking for a outfit and eventually found one. I put on a over sized sweater that hung off one if my shoulders (it was light weight cause its kinda warm out), and a pair of jean shorts and paired it with a pair of vans. I walked out of the closet and saw that me and Ethan were matching (with the colors). "Awww goals" Grayson said in his girl voice. I gave him my "whatever" look then looked back over at Ethan, he was just looking at me smiling. Ughh his smile was so cute. Grayson was the first one ready so he went downstairs and me and Ethan finished up. I walked into my bathroom and put on a little makeup. Just some light foundation and some mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and then walked out. "You look nice" Ethan said looking me up and down. "Thanks, you to" I said. We both walked downstairs and grabbed Gray and then left. We all got back into the car, Gray in the back and me and Ethan in the front. It was about a hour drive to the outlets so we just talked and listened to some music. "So can i ask you something?" I asked Ethan. "Ya" he said still looking at the road. "You guys only live in 5 minutes away from me why haven't i seen you before?" I asked. "Oh well me and Gray do online school" he said. "Oh thats cool, i do to" i said looking up at him. "Why?" He asked. "Well I used to get bullied a lot at my old school" i said bow looking down. "How can you out of all people get bullied, your so cute" he said glancing over at me. I was definitely blushing by now. "How about you?" I asked. "Same as you" he said. "How if your so hot" i blurted out. My eye widened, i can't believe i just said that out loud. He was blushing at this point. "You think im hot?" He asked. "Well thats what i just said" i said looking down at my phone. "Wow what a conversation!" Grayson laughed from the backseat. I completely forgot that he was back there. We finally got to the outlets and i was so glad. We had been sitting in that car forever. We went to a few stores and got some clothes and shoes. Ethan held all my bags which I thought was cute because he didn't have to. "Hey guys Nikis here!!" Grayson proactively screamed. "Whos Niki?" I asked confused. "Niki is Grays girlfriend" Ethan said. "You didn't tell me" i said looking at Gray. "It slipped my mind, plus it didn't matter you like Ethan" he said. My eyes widened, i cant believe he said that out loud. I looked over at Ethan who was not staring at me. "What?" I said. "Nothing" he said looking back at Gray. "Ok well ima go grab Nik and then well meet back here and go get some lunch" he said before walking away to go met Niki. "K" i said. Me and Ethan were just walking in silence, i was so embarrassed that Grayson said that i liked him. We stopped at Starbucks and got some drinks. "So where next?" Ethan asked. "I kinda wanna go to Victoria Secret" i said. "Ok lets go" he said getting up. "Your going to go into a girls store?" I giggled. "Ya why not im with you, ill just act like im your boyfriend" he said smiling. Here we go with the blushing again, everything he does makes me get butterflies in my stomach. I got up from the small table and Ethan grabbed my hand. We held hands and walked down to VS, i loved it. When we walked in i found a few things and went into the dressing room to try them on. I was about to walk out when i heard someone talking to Ethan.

Ethan's Pov
I was sitting outside of Riley's dressing room when a worker walked up to me. "Excuse me sur, are you waiting for someone" she asked. "Um ya my girlfriend" i said smiling. "Ok just making sure your not trying to spy on the girls" she said before walking away. I called Riley my girlfriend, but next time i say it i want it to be true. She walked out of the dressing room seconds later and she looked amazing. She was so pretty, she had on a bikini that was white and had black around it. "Do you like this one or the other one?" She asked. I heard her but I couldn't stop looking. "Hello.. Ethan" she said. "Oh sorry, i like this one" i said. "Ok then I'll get it" she said walking back in. When she came back out we walked over to the check out. "Just this" she said handing the lady her swimsuit. "Ok that will be $25.67" the lady said. She went to go in her bag and grab her wallet. "I got it" i said. "Oh you don't have to Eth" she said looking up at me. "No i want to" i said. I gave the lady the money an then we left. "Thanks for that" she said. "Anything for you" i said smiling at her. I grabbed her and we walked over to the car so we can put all these bags away. I put everything in the trunk and then leaned up against the car, we just hung out there until Grayson texted me to meet him. "So that lady at the register was looking at you pretty hard" she said. "Ya I noticed" i said putting my hands in my pockets. "You should have asked her for her number" she said. "No im good" i said. "Why she wasn't ugly" she said confused. "Ya i know but i kinda got my eye on someone else" i said looking at her. She was looking up at me blushing, her eyes were so pretty, they were hazel but they has a lot of green in them. "And who would that be" she said looking me up and down. "I can show you better then i can tell you" i said smirking. She looked at me confused. I leaned in and grabbed the side of her face and kissed her. She kissed back, we stood there kissing for about a minute and then i pulled away. She looked up at me with the biggest smile, she cane closer and leaned up against me. Seconds later i got the text for Gray telling us to meet him and Niki.

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