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Yes. That was how I thought of Lee Chan. We were close. He comes to my house every day after school— not that I was complaining. It has been a year since he moved in our town. Well, I was glad to have a new friend since I never had a true one.

Knowing my classmates, they would probably tease me and Chan if we spend more time together— which Chan didn't mind at all. I couldn't dare ask him if it bothers him because I thought it would be awkward. So I never brought it up.

Today is a gloomy wednesday afternoon, it was sad since I failed my biology exam earlier which I studied all night long for. I mean, how would you feel if you failed an exam you stayed up all night long to study? It was heartbreaking.

I insisted on walking home alone but Chan insisted on tagging along. He knew I was studying last night since he started throwing rocks on my window at 2 in the morning.

I smiled as I remember last night's events.

It was 2 am and I was still fully focused on studying. When I heard something coming from my window. I looked down and saw a smiling Chan, motioning me to come down.

"What are you doing here Chan?" I whisper-shouted.

"Let's escape!!" He was making a tunnel out of his hands so I would hear his words.

I didn't know what was going on with this boy's head. Escape? At two in the morning?

"How do I get down there?" I couldn't afford to come down and open the locks of our main doors— I would surely get caught.

Chan looked dumbfounded for a while. "Uhm.. Maybe jump down? I'll catch you."

I laughed at the idea. Sure why not?

I jumped down and fell down on top of Chan. It hurt a bit. "Yah you didn't catch me, you liar."

He himself was recovering from the fall as he stood up and started brushing up the dirt on my shirt.

Lmao what a gentleman.

"So, where are we headed to?"

"I don't know. To nowhere?" He scratched his head and looked around.

He suddenly grabbed my hands. "Aish, let's just go anywhere."

Suddenly, I was running at full speed. I was excited. It was my first time, escaping with someone, at two in the morning.

Who knew the class's miss almost-perfect-student would go on secret adventures too?

And out of all the people, with Lee Chan?

"Joo-ah! Wait up! My legs are going to break!" He shouted.

We found ourselves sitting on the swings on the children's playground. We were little kids too, anyways.

"Lee Chan. If I fail my biology exam tomorrow, then you'll be dead."

He laughed off the idea and replied "You? Failing an exam? What an understatement!"

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