Chapter 6: Doubts, Fighting, and Writing

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I left the cafeteria and went into the bathroom. All the girls in the bathroom stared as tears fell down my face, but I didn't care. I called Liam and listened as it rang at least three times. "Cas, I don't want to talk about it. Wait, are you crying?" Liam said with a sudden urge of stress in his voice. "Yes, Liam. Don't you dare ask me why either; you know why Liam. This is just as hard for me as it is for you. Do you wanna know how many times I got called a whore today? No, you don't because if you cared you would've stayed here with me; we are a team, Liam. I need you by my side on this." Tears were coming down faster, and my heart was racing. I could hear him sigh on the other side of the phone and mumble cuss words under his breath. "I've never had someone who has cared about me as much as you do, so when everything went to crap, I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry. You know that I would never try to hurt you on purpose."

I knew he was sincere, but it hurt still. I was never one to let things bother me, so I wasn't sure how to deal with the situation either. "I know you didn't try to hurt me, but you did. I'm doing this for us, but how can this work if there isn't an us. If you try and run from all of our problems, how are we ever going to make it anywhere?" He hung up before I could get an answer, so I tried my best to go along with the my day like I normally would. I walked to the only class Liam and I had together and mentally prepared myself for what I would have to face in there. All the stares gathered on me. Mrs. Addington, my english teacher and the only teacher I liked, gave us a five page long writing assignment to read aloud to the class about who we truly are. I heard people make jokes about how mine would be about how I'm such a slut, but I had a different idea. I had a feeling Liam would too once I told him what our assignment was.

I called Liam after school was over, but he didn't answer. I mean I wasn't surprised. I guess I just hoped he would answer. Five minutes later, I got a text from him, but I couldn't make myself open it just yet. I was scared that I went too far about what I said to him earlier. I was afraid this was the end of us, but to my relief this was just the beginning.

Liam: Meet me at the coffee shop?

Cassie: Yeah, I guess...

Liam: Are you still mad?

Cassie: I mean I'm still kinda frustrated, but there is nothing that can change it


Liam: Sorry, I gotta go. I'm going to be late to meet with my super amazing girlfriend at the coffee shop. (yes, the super amazing girlfriend is you)

I got into my car to leave, and the same cheesy love song was playing now just like the first day I meant Liam. I listened to it for awhile, but I wished it was Liam's song playing instead. I walked in to see Liam holding a midnight blue vase filled with purple flowers in one hand, and a coffee cup in the other. "Liam, we've been dating for two days. You didn't need to buy me flowers." He handed me the cup and sat down. "In that cup, is a small green tea with extra honey and in the vase are random purple flowers that I bought from a dollar store." You have no idea how much I wanted to kiss him, I think he had an idea. Liam leaned in and kissed me, and a little girl from across the shop pointed to us and asked her mom if we were in love. We were not in love, but I knew it was going to get to that point. Liam gave me hope for something better than this little town no one cares about, and as much as I wanted to save him, he was saving me.

"So we have a new assignment in Addington's class. It's a five page essay about who we really are, and we have to share it in front of the class." I said hoping he would actually tell me what he was going to write about. "I'm going to write about meeting you." Liam said staring at my lips. "What does that have to do with who you really are?" He looked at me and grinned, "You'll see." We listened to Liam's music and talked about my favorite books. We talked about our families, how many kids we both want, and why the sky is blue. We had to leave knowing we had school tomorrow. "Cassie, I promise I will be right by your side at school tomorrow." Liam said before kissing me. I left with the satisfaction of knowing he really cared about me, and I cared about him.

The next day was easier. People knew we didn't care what they thought, so they moved on to attack the next innocent high schooler. At lunch, we listened to music and laughed at dumb jokes we found on the internet. We walked into Mrs. Addington's room holding hands, and I think I actually heard someone gasp. I worked on my essay trying to fully capture everything that I am in my work, but it was hard to focus when Liam kept throwing crumpled up pieces of paper at me. As we were leaving class, I saw Liam walk up to the teacher and ask her something. He caught up with me in the hallway with a huge smile on his face. "What are you so happy about?" I asked while I tried to find my textbook in my mess of a locker. "I am going first to present my essay, and it's going to be the best thing everyone has ever heard until you read yours of course."

Nothing really happened over the next few days except for a lot of writing and typing. Soon, it was the first day of presenting, and that meant I got to hear Liam's masterpiece as he calls it. He walked to the front of the class with no fear of anything at all, and began to read his paper, "I'm not going to tell you guys the story you want to hear. It won't be happy the whole time; to be honest with you guys, my life sucks. I have a good for nothing dad, a mom who worries a lot, and a brother who ran away with some blonde girl he barely knew. Then, you have me. The kid everyone hates because I made a mistake. Just one mistake ruined my life; I accidently tripped and fell on a girl which doesn't sound that bad, right? I don't want to go into detail about what people claim I did before and after I literally tripped into this crappy life.

You wouldn't be wrong if you said I wanted to die at that point; I really did. I started writing music, and that was kind of cool. It's like an escape I guess. The point of this whole thing is don't try to escape your life try to make your life so great that other people would want to escape to it.

I wouldn't say that my life has been terrible because other people have it a lot worse than me, but it wasn't rainbows and sunshine. I wanted to be a superhero when I was a kid, but I never knew who I could save. I saved myself. That sounds really cheesy when I say it aloud, but it is the truth. This assignment is about being truthful; it's about being true to yourself. I don't know who or what I want to become. I didn't want to become anything until I met Cassidy Thomas. For right now, all I want to be is Cassie's boyfriend. Maybe someday, she will be Cassidy Pierce; I think that would be nice. All I know is that, I don't want to be my parents or my brother. I think maybe I still want to be a superhero, but I want to be Cassie's superhero because I owe her my life. The day I first met Cassie was the day I was planning on leaving this world, so thank God she was here to save me." My hands were shaking, and my eyes began to tear up. Liam just turned in his paper and sat down. I could feel his arm around my waist, and I think that was the moment I realized I was falling in love with Liam Pierce.

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