Chapter 8: The Man From Last Summer

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The next day I awoke and went downstairs to find that my mother, my father, and the man from last summer were all having breakfast together. My chest tightened when I heard the man laugh at one of my mom's awful jokes, and I felt like I was going to faint. "Hey, Cassie! How did your date go?" My mom asked giving me a look that told me it was safe to come downstairs. Mom knew I was still afraid of him, but I knew she didn't want to be alone with both of them. "It was amazing." I said while walking down the stairs noticing how the man looked at me. If you are wondering what that look is like, imagine holding a treat right in front of your dog's face, but it is too far away for it to reach. That was the kind of look that was.

My dad looked at the man and smiled, "Cassidy, why don't you reconsider moving to Nevada with Alex? He is a really good guy, and I think he would be a perfect addition to the family." I know I said I wouldn't mention his name, but things happen. "Dad, I am happily dating Liam, and I think Liam will make a fine addition to the family." He gave me a glare and apologized to Alex for my rudeness. Alex stood up and walked over to me, "What about me, princess? I miss you up in Nevada, so at least consider moving in with me." I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up, so I ran into the bathroom. I threw up and started hyperventilating. I didn't know what else to do, so I called Liam. "Hello." Liam said on the other side probably not expecting me to be so panicked. "Liam, the man I told you about is still here, so I need you to come pick me up please. I really need you, Liam." He reassured me that he was on his way.

Soon, I heard the doorbell ring, and my mom opened the door to greet Liam. "Cassie, Liam is here, so you can come out of the bathroom now." I heard my mom say through the door. I opened the door slowly and peeked out. "Where are Dad and Alex?" My mom nodded her head to the back door, so I slipped out of the bathroom. Liam's hair was a mess, and he had on a stained white t-shirt and sweatpants. "Mom, I don't know when I'll be back. Please let me know when Alex leaves." She hurried us out of the door because the unwanted guest was coming back in. I don't think I have ever wanted anyone to drive as fast as I had Liam drive to get away from that house.

"Cas, what happened?" Liam said looking over at me; I was bundled up in a ball under a blanket Liam found in his backseat. "My dad is trying to get me to move back in with Alex. I said I didn't want to, and Alex got really close to me. He started calling me princess and saying he missed me. Liam, I really got scared and started having flashbacks." Liam grabbed my hand and drove into a drive-thru at some breakfast place. "You need to eat something, Cas; it will make you feel better." He ordered me some hash browns, a bagel with cream cheese, and an ice water. Liam handed me the bag with the food and pulled into the parking lot. "I won't let this Alex person hurt you. When he hurt you the first time, I wasn't in your life, but I am now. I will never let him lay a hand on you ever again, okay?"

I really wanted to believe him, but he had no clue what Alex was capable of. "Liam, I can't go back home as long as he is there." Just then my mom called me. "Mom, what's going on?" I asked knowing she only said she'd call if Alex was gone. "Your dad invited him to stay for two more days, and he said yes." I started crying, so Liam wrapped his arm around me. "Okay." I was crying too hard for me to talk anymore, and my mom hung up. "Alex is staying for two more days. What am I going to do?" I asked Liam while he was wiping the tears that were falling down my face. "I could stay with you." Liam said pushing my hair out of my face. "Okay." I said putting my face inside of the blanket.

Liam and I went to my house, and he held my hand tight as we walked in. We went straight up to my room ignoring all of the questions coming from Dad and Alex's mouths. I locked the door, and we both sat down on my bed. Later that day, Alex barged into my room with a key I assumed my dad gave him. "Princess, it's funny that you think just because you have your little boyfriend with you that I will stop trying to get you back. You are mine no matter if you like it or not, so just come with me the easy way." Before I even has a chance to say anything, Liam and Alex were punching each other. I called for my parents, and they both ran up in shock by the fight. My dad pulled Alex back and pulled him into the hallway while my mom and I ran to Liam who was laying on the ground. "Babe, are you okay? Why would you try to fight him?" I asked him as he tried to get up. "I wanted to protect you." He said ignoring my first question.

My mom and I helped get Liam onto my bed; Mom said he needed rest. I was worried about him, but I was also worried about what my dad would do to both of us for scaring away his guest. I sat down next to Liam and held his hand tight. He always said he wanted to become a superhero, and he was right here saving the day like any good superhero would.

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