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Partyyy! We're now here at the club, dancing and getting wasted as long as we want. Many people came and greeted me happy birthday, giving me gifts and such. I am here at the center of the dancefloor with Zoe and Zach.

"Makee!" Zach shouted.

"Why?" I said. Still dancing.

"No drinking!" She said. I looked at her and laughed.

"What?" I said teasing her. She immediately frowned.

"Don't drink. I'll kill you." She whispered in my ear. Well, I admit that it sent shiver down my spine.

"But why? It's my birthday." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"I don't care." She said glaring at me. I gave her a begging look which made her sigh.

"Fine fine. Just don't get too wasted." Yes! I hugged her and squealed.

"Thanks!" She pushed me a little hard.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to squeal when hugging me!" She shouted.

I raised my hand up. "I'm sorry okay? Sorry. My bad." I retorted, shouting. I went back to our table.

"Hey birthday girl." Caspar said. I still remember him avoiding the question I asked about the bouquet.

"Cas. Do you know who sent the flowers?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled then handed me a drink.

"Drink this. It's good." I dropped the topic and let myself indulge with the drink.

"Can I have one more?" I asked. He nodded and got another drink.

"Here." I muttered my thanks and went on with my drink. So many people. My vision became blurry. I don't know if this is because of the drink or what. Caspar might have noticed that and asked me. I said I'm fine and blinked a few more then stood up. Gosh. Why is the world spinning so bad? They all became two-headed.

"Hey. Be careful." Caspar said but I hear it slower. What's wrong with me?

"Washroom." I managed to say. Good thing I am not so drunk to throw up in here. He nodded and I went on my way. Struggling to go inside the washroom. It felt like forever. I went inside a cubicle just to save me from fainting. I heard someone go in.

"Goodness. Have you seen Makee? She's such a famewhore. But then. I need to befriend her for acads." I shook my head and went out of the cubicle. I saw three girls standing in front of the mirror. I went beside them and washed my face. I almost shouted because I thought I forgot my make up. But luckily it's with me.

"Go talk like I'm not here. I won't bite." I said while drying my face with my hanky. I looked at them and no one dared to speak.

"Makee." The user said, trailing off. I looked at her and smiled. The smile that brings the other side of me.

"Why?" I asked. I applied my foundation, eyeliner and lipstick then looked at her again.

"I like Joe---" I hushed her.

"See if I care." She looked at me with confusion clouding her eyes. "What?" I asked her.

"You don't like him?" She asked and I laughed.

"I'm sorry. Hahaha I just can't. Why would I?" I said, holding my tummy because it hurts so much.

"I-i--" her eyes is unfocused so I calmed myself.

"You what?"

"I don't know!" She shouted running away from me. Oh the drama. I went out of the club and sat on one of the benches. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. I was almost having my quiet time when I felt my phone vibrated. I fished it out of my purse.

1 message recieved

Sms: Happy Birthday. I hope your day is as beautiful as you. 😘

I smiled at the text. But remembered it's from a stranger so I replied saying thanks and asked who is the sender. I waited for five minutes but I got no reply. I called the number but it was unattended. I gave up knowing that it was not even worth it. My phone vibrated again.

1 message recieved

Zach: Where the heck are you?

After I read her text. I immediately went back inside.

"Where have you been?!" Zach asked. Slightly mad. I smiled and said I just went out to have some fresh air. All is going well. Zoe asked a toast for my birthday. I had a 4 layered cake. Almost all of us got drunk including me. But I swear I saw a man standing not so far away from our table looking at me. That was the last thing I knew before I passed out.

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