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So I went and said I'll give Makee informations about what happened and our view on it. But where exactly am I gonna start?

"What just happened?" She asked. "You know Brad? Like know, know?" Continuing her questions. I looked at her.

"You and him were really close." I said. We are on our way home. Joe let me use his car.

"What?" She looks really confused.

"He was a close friend of mine. And your ex."

"What are you talking about?! Are you on drugs?!" She asked. I rolled my eyes and steered right.

"If you don't shut up, I'll never tell the story." She immediately shut her mouth. Good.

4 years ago

"Hey Zach, aren't you going down?" Makee asked. I stood up and went with her. She will say something to the family or whatever. We are all gathered. I'm not quite sure if mom and dad knows whatever this is for.

"Soooo I have news." She excitedly started. Really giddy.

"Spill it already!" I almost shouted because I need to review for an exam. She rolled her eyes and smiled wide enough to tear her lips.

"I have a boyfriend." She announced really happy.

"What?" Me.

"Where?" Mom. She's happy for her baby girl, of course.

"..." Dad. Can't really comprehend.

"Who is it?" I asked again.

"Bradley Simpson. And he will be here in a minute." She replied.

"Are you nuts?" I retorted.

"Do you know him?" Mom asked. I nodded.

"He's my partner. A vocalist in our band." Mom smiled at my response and clapped her hands.

"Might as well invite him to dine with us?" She looked at Makee.

"That would be nice Mom." She replied and fished her phone to text Brad. Before she could compose a good sentence, the doorbell rang. She quickly stood up and head to the door.

"Mom, Dad, Zach, this is Brad. My boyfriend." She said and sat down. She looks happy.

"Nice to meet you." Mom smiled at him genuinely.

"..." Dad. Just looking and not saying a word. Is he okay?

"Dad?" Makee called out.

"Come with me for a bit." Dad looked at Brad and stood up.

"Don't worry, princess." Brad smiled at Makee, letting go of her hand. After they were gone, I suspiciously eyed Makee.

"How did you meet?" I asked. Makee would never lie to me.

"A gig. I saw him talking to your bandmates."


"Half a year ago? We talked for a while, you know? He insisted that he wants to meet you guys."

"I see. What gig are you talking about?"

"The one near the coffee shop that I like. You were there. He sang with you." I nodded and went to the kitchen. Mom is already preparing foods.

"Early preparation?" I asked leaning at the counter top.

"Your dad seems to like him. Look." She pointed at the glass window. True enough, Dad is laughing with Brad.

"How long have you known Mom?" I asked. She laughed at my question.

"The day that they first went on a date. She was really happy and excited that she spilled everything to me."

"Why didn't she tell me?"

"She said she wanted to be sure first before introducing him to you and your Dad." She replied and continued to cook. Dad and Brad went inside, still laughing. I saw how Makee stood up and almost went running when she saw Brad.

"Careful princess." He said, he was supposed to go near her but he looked at Dad. His cue was Dad's nod.

"Young lady, don't run inside the house." Dad said with authority.

"Yes Dad." She replied, still looking and smiling at Brad.


"I'm starting to think you're really on drugs." I looked at her, forehead creased.

"Really gonna go there huh?" I said and parked the car. I went out of the car when I saw she had no intentions of going down. She suddenly followed me out but went inside the house quickly.

"I'll just take a shower, continue the story later." She said almost running. Now that I see it. She removed her heels. I sat down the sofa and heard my phone ringing.

"Hey Joseph." I said, picking up the call.

"How are you?" He asked. Still a bit loud on their side, I guess its party time there.

"She thinks I'm on drugs." Joe laughed.

"Of course she will. Imaginations of Makee." He remarked, still laughing.

"I'm tired Joseph." I said. I really am, he made me meet almost everyone at the party. He dragged me anywhere he goes. And I am drained because of this situation. I'm not a good storyteller.

"Shower and continue the story tomorrow, love." He suggested.

"She wants the story now."

"You can always continue the story." I sighed.

"I'll try to tell her. Don't you have anything scheduled for tomorrow?"

"Nope. Nursing my hangover I guess?"

"Don't come home too drunk Joseph. I'll beat the heck out of you."

"Yeah yeah. Go negotiate with your sister."

"Mn. Enjoy the party." I replied and hanged up. I went to Makee's room and said I'll continue the story tomorrow, she agreed because she's already lying down on her bed.

"Why the heck are you lying already?"

"I feel drained. I can't take anymore of your story." She replied lifeless.

"Okay then. Goodnight. Don't overthink. There's still more to come." She nodded and turned to sleep.

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