Chapter 22- It's Over

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A/N: Wow 3 more chapters ahead till this book will end. It has been a stressful one to write but hey I'm almost going to end this wonderful fanfic I've been writing for a year now.

Bianca P.O.V

After 5 mouths passed by, the local police station finally arrested the Salonga family. For all the years I've never know much about my ancestors since I'm an Orphan already, and it doesn't really bother the count to find who my other relatives are.

Plus, my real name is ready to be shown in the world. I can finally tell them that I'm Bianca, not Mavi.

Today's month, the day were I'm going to be 16. In 14th of July. I'm just happy that finally I've been more than a year staying with my new mum and new dad.

I couldn't even wait for  their wedding day, it's going to be a spectacular days ahead.

But all I could ever think of right now is, my feelings with Rudy. I remember the day where I kissed him on the snow, I felt happiness in it. But as time goes on, I felt nothing ever happened in my love

"Bianca! Someone's in here for you!" Mum called out.

"Alright mum I'm coming!" I chuckled, I looked at the mirror and check myself one more time if I'm okay.

I walked down the stairs and I went up to the living room. As I finally got in the living room, a familiar face has come to my curiosity.

His hair was back in blond, well more of bleached. The man looked behind me, it was Michael. Why's he here?

"Michael!" I smiled and ran over up to him and gave the tightest hug that I could ever give anyone to.

He chuckled and smiled. "Hey Ma- oh I mean Bianca."

I chuckled. "Yeah that's my name alright." "Anyways how's Tour?" I asked.

"Tours been great! We've also been to Manila!"

"Manila! Wow my home country! Wow it's been so long since I've went there."

"Well maybe I could bring you
Next time just us." He gave a small smirk that made me chuckle.

"Okay what's going here?"  Mum then came up to us, looking at us both.

"Oh nothing just about Tour." I smiled at her. She looked at
Michael sternly, and gave a genuine smile.

"Why don't you two go for a walk? I'll call you when you need me." Mum suggested.

"Sure! Cmon Lets walk." I smiled and we walked out of the house, we walked to the park where I remembered me and Rudy ice skating.

"Hey, remember when you and Rudy danced on the ice? It was awkward when I saw you guys" He chuckled.

"Oh yeah we had a moment of eachother but.."

"But what Bianca? Hey, is there something wrong? Is something bothering you?"

I looked up at him, and I bit my lip. Could I trust this guy? I mean he likes me, he really did. I can tell he's a great guy to talk to. We sat under a tall tree that's shading us.

"Well it's just that, me and Rudy. When we used to get along, I'm happy with him. But now, it's all nothing. I feel nothing" I lift my hands and placed them on my head.

Is this relationship going to last longer? Or will it come to an end?

He sighed and rubbed my back for comfort. "Bianca, whatever makes you happy I'm always going to accept that. But if he doesn't make you happy then it's your choice, love him? Or leave him?"

I looked up at him and signed, I picked up my phone and finally text him.

To: Rudy

Hey Rudy, it's been a while since we've talked and I wanna make this right. This isn't going well and I can't continue our relationship I don't feel that connection anymore. But hey we're still friends right? I'm always here for you if you need me. ☺️

-Bianca (my real name)

As I finally finished texting him, I deleted the lasts Text messages that we had, the moments that we shared and lastly the things he bought for me.

It's all over, my love life and the troubles that were coming.

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