THE fanfic 11

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I got up, "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Got chocolates for you, bro." I said as I left the box of chocolates next to the headstone. "I'll be under the tree, you know where." I said.

She nodded her head, "bye, bro. I'll come to meet you next time." I said as I headed towards the huge tree.

"I miss you" were the final words that left my mouth as I turned and started walking.


I was sat below the tree on the grass. The moon was shining brightly as it could. I looked over at Cher, probably spilling her hearts out to Noah when he wouldn't even reply.

I sighed, I missed him. I could still remember every thing as though it had happened only yesterday. I could remember all the games we used to play when we were small, Cher hated football so she just watched us when Noah used to teach me. My parents forced me to go piano classes while Noah had soccer lessons. So, we taught each other what we'd learn.

I remember Cher and Noah's wedding in our backyard and of course, I was the priest. We'd bought two candy rings and I'd given them one each so that they could wear it to the other one. Never did I know, they'd actually fall in love. I was actually quite shocked but at the same time I couldn't help but be happy for the both of them. My best friend and my brother.

I was looking up at the sky, the stars twinkling. It is believed that once a person dies, he or she becomes a star up in the sky. I was searching for a star that would remind you of Noah.

That's when My eyes landed on one of the stars, probably the brightest one. And the stars around it seemed to be bright too. Noah was funny and loving, and anyone who was around him was always happy, just like him.

Tears started forming, they threatened to spill. I controlled as much as I could but thought better and let them flow. I would surely feel a lot lighter if I let all of them go. I remembered everything, flashbacks kept coming at like a whiplash to my face. I knew I had to face them, face everything that had happened.

I was still crying when, I heard footsteps from behind the tree. I rubbed my face with the sleeves of my jacket. "Alexis, are you there? Lexi?" He called out, it was Louis.

"Yeah, right here." I said, going round the tree to meet him. But before I could walk another step, I was engulfed in a warm hug.

"Don't cry, Alex." Louis said through my hair. I don't know what happened to me, he told me not to cry and what do I do? Cry my eyes out into his chest, soaking his jacket.

The tears just spilled continuously, I couldn't stop at all. Guess that's what I needed to do, cry instead of keeping it all bottled up.

He just hugged me tighter, never loosening his grip. When I could control myself, I slowly let go of him. When both of us pulled back, he still didn't let go of my waist. His hands still holding me close to him.

He raised one of his hands, the other still on my waist. He cupped my cheeks and unknowingly I leaned towards his touch. It just felt natural for me to do it. We stood still, both of us looking each other in the eye.

Slowly, he brought his other hand to my cheeks and placed it on my other cheek. With both his thumbs, he wiped the tears that was still there.

"Don't ever cry, Alexis..." He started, the way he said my name, just sounded so prefect. Like I was named Alexis only so that Louis could pronounce it perfectly. Wait, what in the bloody hell am I thinking?

" look horrible." He added in the end. Way to ruin the moment, Louis. Wait, what moment? I was having a moment? With Louis?

I hit him on his chest, his chest started rumbling with laughter. "You know, girls are supposed to look beautiful when they cry, right? You look like shrek who'd unknowingly swallowed a chicken bone and was struggling to get it out." He said.

Now,that I imagine it, Shrek would look hilarious and it was no surprise that I looked horrible Every time I cried. Noah and Cher used to make fun of me all the time. I burst out laughing along with him.

After lowering our laughter, I hugged him. "Thank you, Louis" I muttered through his chest. Thanks to him, I'm not feeling so down anymore but I still didn't like it when he said I looked horrible.

I already had lots of memories with me, he didn't have to remind me.

When both of us let go of each other, I brought my hand up and slapped him across his cheek.


"Bloody Hell, Alex. What'd you do that for?" He shouted, his hands rubbing his cheek where I had slapped him.

"Revenge sure is sweet." I smirked back at him, remembering how he had also smacked me before the prank "hurts doesn't it? Imagine my pain" I added.

"And here I thought we were having a moment." He pouted. I elbowed him in his stomach. He let out a groan, my cheeks were burning as I remembered all the thoughts I had before.

I looked out for Cher. "Where's Cher gone off to?" I asked looking around everywhere. I was starting to get scared, what if some guys had come and took her away? I was busy having thoughts about Louis, I completely forgot about her.

"Don't worry, love. She's already gone off to the van. Dave's waiting. We have to be back before midnight remember?" He asked.

"Oh, ok. Lets go." I said.

We both walked towards the van. It was surely getting late and we had rehearsals tomorrow.

As we got into the van, Cher was already asleep. She was probably tired. Hell, I was too. She was sprawled out across the seat, leaving no space for us to sit. I climbed the seat and plopped down on the back seat, Louis following my lead.

When both of us were seated at the back, Dave started driving us back to the dorms. Both Cher and I were too tired to go anywhere else or do anything else.

My lids were drooping, growing heavy as each second passed by. I was half asleep. I could hear what was going on, but I was too tired to keep my eyes opened.

My head was bobbing along with the van when my body completely tilted and my head hit the window hard. Ow!

Suddenly I felt a warm hand going round my waist and pulling me away from the window. My face left the cool window and a couple of seconds later, there was a warm, hard surface against my face.

I didn't know I was still cold before I snuggled up to the warmth. Soon enough my body was warm enough and I guess that's when I'd fallen asleep.


Finally, Alexis and Louis having a moment. Okay, so I'm not really good in the romance department. I had help, but none of the chapters are edited. So, spare my mistakes....?? Or you could point it out in the comments.

K, Ciao.

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