Your Love is My Drug - Chapter 10

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Editors note: It's been exactly 2 years today since I updated this story. To be honest, I couldn't believe that writers-block could last that long. But I've finally come up with a really good plot to add to this story, so I hope you're all willing to read it! Enjoy! :)

Chapter 10

 My hands barely had the strength to grab hold of the steering wheel as I made my way to work. I somehow believed that I had made the most stupidest mistake of my life. I mean, a student having a relationship with a teacher? Didn't he know that was illegal? Didn't I know that was illegal. I sighed as I turned into the next street, still dazed by the sudden kiss.

With just under 20 minutes to go before I had to start at work, and I was still in a daze. Everything seemed blurry and my concentration level was well below zero. Luckily, I arrived at work just in time.

"You're a little late," Mr. Hadley commented as I rushed up to the personelle's entrance. He was standing outside smoking a cigarette and looked at me with a questioning look. "Everything alright?" I nodded quickly, and opened the door.

"Just had a dance lesson so I'm a bit flustered." Mr. Hadley nodded slowly, before stubbing his cigarette and following me through the entrance. I made my way to the large canteen where personelle could have their breaks. I changed my top for my work polo and apron, before headed out of the room. Mr. Hadly was waiting for me at the stall I worked at.

"Zach has already made a start on unpacking the products, and has gotten quite far. I expect you to work wonders today." He turned around to walk away, but stopped abruptly and turned around. "Oh, and don't forget," he said, winking, "Try not to be too clumsy with those knives. They can be very dangerious." I rolled my eyes and put on my plastic gloves, knowing very well Zach might have told Mr. Hadley about my little ordeal on Monday.

I headed towards the storage room, and was about to push the door open when Zach came stumbling in with three boxs in his arms. He hadn't even taken 3 steps when two of the boxes came tumbling to the floor. The boxes which hadn't been taped let out all the cookies, cakes and pies that had been carefull stacked and packed. Zach let out a groan and proped the box he was holding onto the counter.

Carefully, I stepped over the packets of baked goods and stood next to Zach. He looked at me with a blank expression, not saying a word. I smiled knowingly and nodded to the mess.

"Look who's clumsy now," I smirked, and went off to the storage room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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