Your Love Is My Drug - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


"I finished my Bio report," I boasted, as me and Rachel made our way to spanish class. Rachel eyed me with a slight annoyed and jealous look, but smiled anyway.

"I'm impressed!" she replied, winking as we stopped at our lockers. I nudged her shoulder, causing her to bump into the lockers. "Hey! What was that for? I was being nice! Usually you take forever to finish your assignments, and in some cases, you never even start!" I nodded and laughed, knowing she was perfectly right.

"Do you reckon we'll see Mr. Grey today?" I wondered, as we made our way into the classroom. Several students had already filed their way into the class, and most of them were talking in very excited tones. Rachel chuckled and shot me a grin.

"From the looks of those kids, I'm sure we'll be seeing an eyefull of him." I frowned, which made her grin even more.

"How so?"

Rachel didn't even get the chance to reply, as one of the newer students came up to us and started talking very fast.

"Did you know? The spanish teacher's away because of family problems, and Mr. Grey's going to be our substitue teacher for all the spanish classes this week!" I looked at the girl with shock, and suddenly felt y face turn red.

"R-really?" The girl nodded.

"Yepp, and you'll never guess. He speaks fluent spanish! I bet he'll sound really sexy." My mouth hung open, as I watched the girl walk off to her friends. Rachel was looking at me with a grin plastered to her face.

"Your reaction is hilarious," she commented, sitting down in the chair next to me. She took out her note book and pens, with me following suit. "I swear you nearly had your eyes falling out!" I slapped her playfully and shot her a glare. I was about to fight back, but the class went completely silent, and all I could do was look up ahead at the front of the class where everyone else was looking.

"Estudiantes buenos días." Mr. Grey said, as he stepped into the room. Everyone was silent, and only a couple people started whispering; probably about his voice. He continued speaking, but as soon as he saw our clueless faces, he laughed, and sat down.

"I see we'll have to work on your spanish, then eh?" he commented, as he took out his binder and a couple sheets of paper. He then faced the class, and repeated what he had previously said, in english.

"Due to your regular spanish teacher being absent for personal reasons, I've been asked to 'substitute' your classes, seeing as I am the only teacher here who is fluent in spanish." He peered at everyone of us, before continuing.

"For the ones who don't know me yet, my name is Tristan Grey, but I prefer Mr. Grey. I'm the new dance instructor for those who take dance classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays." He looked over at a couple of the students that waved to him, and smiled. He then looked up at me, and for a couple seconds, he held my gaze before turning away and looking back at the rest of the class.

"Anyway, I hope we'll all have a nice time, and hopefully we'll be able to improve your spanish before Mrs. Perez gets back!" The students groaned, and started talking amoungst each other. Mr. Grey ordered silence, and that seemed to quieten them down.

"Alright, so Mrs. Perez left me a couple things for you to do in today's lesson, and it's a small workbook with several exercises for you to work on. Now there's one workbook that's different from the others, and from what Mrs. Perez mentioned, one of the students here is already very fluent in the language." He looked around at the students, as they all turned their gaze to me.

"Lola? Are you the fluent one of the class?" I could feel myself go red as I tried to keep my gaze fixed at him. I nodded slowly, and put my hands on my lap, the sweat getting worse between my palms.

"Uh, yes I am." Mr. Grey looked at me with great interest.

"That sounds interesting. I think it'd be a good idea if you could help me with the rest of the class? Seeing as your really good, and I'd like to impress your teacher when she gets back. The class laughed, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Sure, that's fine." Mr. Grey started handing out the booklets, and handed me mine last. He stopped by my desk, and bent down so he face was near level with mine.

"Do you think I could speak to you after this class?" he whispered, trying to make sure no-one else heard. I went blank, but nodded anyway. As soon as he left, I turned to Rachel, a questioning look on my face.

"What does he want to speak to me about?" I asked, feeling my cheeks go redder than ever. Rachel laughed, and shrugged.

"Probably about spanish or something. I doubt it's anything deep." I nodded, and sighed. Hopefully she was right.

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