So Much For Saving Emma

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It was 3.00 a.m. and she was still awake. Still searching for a way to save Emma. To bring Emma back. To get her back in being the Saviour. But Robin was quite sure that saving Emma didn't mean she should starve herself, because she haven't had a proper meals in days, or never finished them. So he walked down the stairs, after checking on Henry and Roland, and found her reading on the couch.
"Hey." he whispered, but she still jumped a little.
"Hey." Regina whispered back when she turned around to face him.
"You're still reading about some kind of magic, aren't you?" he whispered, because he was pretty sure if they would talk on normal volume they would wake the boys.
"Yes I am." she answered while turning her attention back to the book. She sighed. "And I still didn't find anything."
Robin walked over to the couch and plopped down next to her.
"Go back to sleep Robin." she muttered, without looking at him, she just continued to read about a tricky kind of magic.
"Only if you come to sleep with me."
"Robin..." she sighed.
"Babe, I'm serious, you need sleep as much as I do." Robin said quietly.
"You don't have to save Emma."
"But I'm helping you. Besides I'm pretty sure Emma wouldn't want you to starve yourself."
"I'm not starving myself." she argued.
"Sure, that's why you skipped breakfast and lunch, and you barely ate something for dinner."
Regina sighed. "Just go to sleep."
Robin didn't listen to her, instead he took the book out of her hands (she protested with a "Hey!") and pulled her to her feet. Then he took her hands, linked their fingers together and dragged her to the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" she asked curiously when he grabbed different kinds of fruits.
"I'm making you a smoothie." he answered simple.
"But it's 3 a.m. Robin!"
"So? Even though you're going to deny it, I know you're hungry, so I'm making you a smoothie."
"No buts babe." Robin interrupted her.
He made it kind of clear she couldn't do anything so she just leaned against de counter and watched him make her breakfast/lunch/dinner/early-breakfast-for-today.
"Did you check on the boys?" she decided to ask, because there wasn't really an uncomfortable silence, but she just wanted to hear his voice.
"Of course." and even in those two words she could hear his amazing British accent.
And it was silent again, so she asked something else.
"Why weren't you asleep already?"
"Because I wanted to make sure that you actually slept. Skipping meals is alright, for one day, and I'm not letting you go past that."
"But I didn't sleep in days." she whispered. She realised that she did, just not very well and that's what she told him.
"I know." Robin said on that. "That's why I stayed awake."
"You shouldn't have done it." she muttered.
"You still don't get it, do you?" Robin asked, turning to face her and handed her her smoothie. "Regina I care about you, I care really deeply for you. This isn't such a big deal. Not when it's about somebody you love. And because we already said the 'I love you's' I thought you should know that by now."
Regina stopped with drinking and stared at him. Emma turned into the Dark One to save Regina's happy ending, and her she was, screwing it up herself.
"I'm sorry." she whispered and she felt she was about to start crying. "I just- I just feel so guilty about the fact that Emma sacrificed herself for me, and I just want to save her, to make it up to her."
Robin took the glass out of her hands and put it on the counter, without saying a single word. After he did this he just hugged her, still not saying anything. Regina started to sob and he couldn't blame her.
"I know." he told her softly. "But it's gonna be alright."
She gave him a doubtful look.
"She's having you, there's no way it's not going to be alright."
Regina smiled at his last statement. Then she grabbed her drink and drank it until there was not very much left. She held it out to him and he took it from her, finishing her drink.
"You are going to sleep now right?" he asked her when he put the glass down again.
"Yeah, I think you're not giving me an actual choice in that."
"No, I'm not. Now c'mon let's get some sleep."
And he couldn't help it, but when she was finally asleep and in his arms he was sure he was loving her more than he already did, which was something he had been sure was impossible. But apparently not. He looked at the clock. Almost 4 a.m. But she was asleep and like he already told her, everything was going to be alright.

This is my enter for the entry!
I just found out this story is too short, so I don't know what I should do right now...
I hope it isn't too bad, and that's there enough fluff in here😂😂

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